Looks like you are putting a lot of effort in your work, Rocky. Hope you have fun in art class! -- tia lisa
- on March 18, 2015
I love the colors, Rocky! Awesome! Keep up the hard work. Love you, Tia Lisa -- lisa
- on November 12, 2014
oh. my. goodness. these are amazing. and i am in so much trouble that i can purchase merch lol -- lisa
- on November 12, 2014
New Grandma loves all your pictures! You chose beautiful colors for the leaves. The Aztec woven picture is very, very pretty too. Very soft colors and good lines. Your bird picture made me laugh!! It's funny! Good job, Angel!! -- Delia
- on November 12, 2014
Abuelita is here with New Grandma and I showed her your picture of falling leaves . Abuelita says it is beautiful! Abuelita says she wishes you would make one for her and you could sign your name on the picture. -- Delia