I had to look up "mandalas". Your universe has many stars -- very pretty. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on December 8, 2015
He DOES live in you, you crazy guy. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on May 25, 2015
Whoa, Conner. Looks like a really hard puzzle -- or a snake. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on April 11, 2015
Very pretty, Conner. I love the purple shadows. -- Grandma Susie
- on March 22, 2015
Conner, I am so proud of you because you try to follow all the fruits of the Spirit. I am really impressed with the shadow your fruit is casting, too. Good job! Love you!!! -- Grandma Susie
- on March 11, 2015
Go Hoosiers! I love it!!! -- Grandma Susie
- on February 7, 2015
Are those snakes? Or worms? Interesting project, Conner. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on January 29, 2015
Great job Bud! Love watching football with you! -- Rob
- on December 19, 2014
Oh Conner, This is beautiful! Love you, Grandma Susie -- Grandma Susie
- on November 12, 2014
Very, Very Creative, Conner!! Nice work, Guy! You may become the next Michaelangelo (a famous Italian artist from many years ago)! Papa Bill and YaYa -- Papa Bill
- on October 20, 2014
Hi Conner, I ordered some of your artwork. I also had a post card sent to Great Grandma from you. It told her that you drew what was on the other side of the post card and that you hoped you liked it. It also told her you love her. I hope you are having a great weekend. Have a wonderful week at school. Love, Grandma Debbie -- GrandmaDebbie
- on September 7, 2014
Hi Conner! Love your drawing! It is very unique and such a great idea. Keep up the good work! We love you, Grandma Debbie and Bud -- GrandmaDebbie