Hannah23054's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Hannah23054's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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hgb, LOVE the american flag tshirt on th little fellow!! more good work, babe?? love you .
-- bet
- on January 22, 2018
hgb, this reminds me of the artist, wayne thibaud. google him. very cool work, yet again?? love, betbet
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
hgb, this is lovely. a leaf that with your creative mind, has become a stained glass window.
-- bet
- on January 22, 2018
your betbet LOVES this elephant!! and you. ??
-- bet
- on January 22, 2018
our girl’s a mini wayne thibaud! very nice, love?? betbet
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- on January 22, 2018
because patriotism has been a huge thing in my life since i can remember, i applaud this project, and your participation in it, my girl. my daddy was a veteran of world war 2, and i am so proud of his service to our country. your painting is a very nice tribute to all the veterans who help to protect us all in their service to our beautiful flag!!
-- bet
- on January 22, 2018
had not seen this, but it is quite clever, as is the elephant!!
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
hgb, this is a terrific piece. mountains seem easy to paint, but definitely are NOT! good work!!!
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
sweet girl, this is terrific!!! love you, betbet
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
liberty bell ROCKS??????
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
hi, babe...i love the techniques you are learning, this year. the elephant is way cool, and i quite like your ice cream cones. (wish i had that chocolate one...) ??????
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
very interesting piece, hannah. will love to know what you were thinking. not a horse in sight!!
-- Betbet
- on January 22, 2018
very clever, gracie. well conceived. you are the BEST! ?? love, betbet
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018
cool, luv!
-- Bet
- on January 22, 2018