Amelia3063's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Amelia3063's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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i sent a comment last week, but didn't see it, so here it is again! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!
-- Aunt Sherry
- on November 1, 2017
This is amazing! I love your creative use of newspaper as your hair. Beautiful!! Just like you :)
-- Beth
- on October 20, 2017
-- Aunt Sherry
- on November 1, 2017
So cool! You are so talented!!
-- Lisa
- on November 1, 2017
That is really cool chickie!
-- Lisa
- on February 19, 2015
very nice!
- on February 5, 2015
You are so talented! You use lots of bright colors!
-- Lisa
- on December 19, 2014
Another beauty!! Proud of you!
- on November 13, 2014
Amelia - these are fabulous!
-- Suzanne
- on November 13, 2014
Your pictures are beautiful!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!!! Love u!
-- Lisa
- on November 6, 2014
Each piece of your art is exceptional. Keep up the good work. Perhaps we have a blooming artist in the family.
-- Jim
- on November 6, 2014
amelia i love your artwork! you are really good at color and composition. keep up the beautiful work! love aunt sherry
-- Aunt Sherry
- on October 31, 2014
I love this piece. The colors are great!
- on October 29, 2014