Owen5761's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Owen5761's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This one is my favorite. Great use of color. Grandma
-- Sharon
- on October 31, 2018
Lots of ink or pencil lead, but I am not sure what it is. Grandma
-- Sharon
- on October 31, 2018
Oh my gosh, I totally love the shooting out of a cannon. How very carnival-like!
-- Stacey
- on October 31, 2018
Love the castle. Ithink I am most curious about the secret entrance. Where does it lead? A dungeon? Perhaps they have a dragon in there? By the way, where is the King?
-- Stacey
- on October 31, 2018
I love the color in this picture. I also love the sun (it kind of looks like an "all seeing" eye).
-- Stacey
- on October 31, 2018
Interesting but I am not completely sure what I am seeing - a broken mirror reflecting a round vase with dogs (or wolves) jumping in and out?
-- Sharon
- on July 31, 2017
What a fantastic piece of art. I love the colors and the story that goes along with it. Well done Owen.
-- Mom
- on May 24, 2017
Mummies are scary. This one fits perfectly. Grandma
-- Sharon
- on May 24, 2017
When we get our farm, I would love for you to create this scarecrow for real. He is fantastic. I love that he is smiling, too. Does that mean he will be happy when the birds come to eat the crops?
-- Stacey
- on December 8, 2016
I love this boy. He has a smile just like yours.
-- Stacey
- on December 8, 2016
What fantastic colors! I think this painting is my favorite ever!
-- Stacey
- on December 8, 2016
Very interesting fish. Don't think G-pa has ever caught one like this. Love you, G-ma
-- Sharon
- on December 8, 2016
Looks like a Greek urn. Are you studying about Greek mythology? Love you, Grandma
-- Sharon
- on February 24, 2016
Looks pretty good, Owen G-ma
-- Sharon
- on January 6, 2016
Love all the bright colors, Owen. Fantastic job!
-- Aunt Amy
- on January 6, 2016
This is one of my favorites. I really love the pumpkin color and the rolling hills behind it.
-- Stacey
- on January 6, 2016
Owen. I am very proud of you. Your art is beautiful. Keep up the good work. Love you. Grandpa v
-- Pat
- on January 6, 2016
This is fabulous.
-- Mom
- on April 22, 2015