Gavin7991's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about Gavin7991's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great drawing Gavin, I love the signage from Beetle Juice. Keep the imagination flowing. Dad
- William (Father) on February 21, 2020
Great picture! I love the high contrast between the yellows and the blues. Beautiful colors starting from the water going all the way up until enternity. Wish I was on a little boat floating just soaking up all this beauty.
-- William
- on April 4, 2019
Awesome Gavin, I love when collages reflect what the artist has going on in their mind. Love this one. Dad
-- Keith
- on January 24, 2019
This is so cool, my interpretation of this is 3 tornadoes right next to each other ready to cause some havoc. Awesome job on the shading, it’s really cool how you have them going in the same direction and also at the same time having them go in opposite directions. Great perspective from the shading it almost looks 3D. Love, Dad
-- William
- on December 5, 2018
Gavin this is awesome especially so close to Halloween. We’ll have to get this on a canvas and display in the house during the Halloween season. Love ya, Dada.
-- William
- on October 22, 2018
Very cool picture Gavin, I especially like to darker cool colors as they contrast against the warm softer colors. This one could be a hanger? Love, Dad
-- William
- on April 22, 2018
I love this picture. It combines color with black and white design. It has different textures, shapes and patterns which allows the viewer to see their own interpretations of this drawing. Great job Gavin as always your mind is far more creative than mine. Please do not loose that creativity. Love, Dad
-- William
- on February 24, 2018
Awesome job Gavin, I love the fact that this is an action design with his hat blowing off and you captured it perfectly. Maybe it will snow this year for us. Keep drawing and keep dreaming. Lots of Love, Dad
-- William
- on December 8, 2017
Gavin I just love seeing your artwork! This is so cool and I love the mixture of colors you used...awesome work! Mom
-- Mindy
- on December 6, 2017
How did you get such an accurate picture of yourself. Did you use a mirror or a picture? This is awesome. Keep up the great work on your drawings. I can't wait until the next one. DaDa
-- William
- on October 10, 2017
This is an awesome picture!! I love seeing your artwork, you always amaze me with your creativity and eye for color! Love you!! Mom
-- Mindy
- on August 30, 2017
I am so glad that these pictures from you are starting to come in for me to look at again. I missed these over the summer. This one is so cool. Love, Dad
-- Keith
- on August 30, 2017
This would certainly be loved by Willy wonka himself. Great angles and colors. Very whimsical and I love it. Dada
-- William
- on March 5, 2017
This is a great abstract art drawing. It is like it came out of my art appreciation college text. Somewhere between starry night and the scream. Awesome job Gavin. Love, Dadda
-- William
- on February 5, 2017
Gavin this looks awesome. I love the candy cane scarf. Love dad.
-- William
- on January 23, 2017
Wow Gavin for someone who does not like snow you paint an awesome snow picture. I would live in that house, who wouldn't. Love ya, dada
-- William
- on December 27, 2016
Ok you found me out my other job is being a Ninja. Maybe that where you get your sick Taekwondo skills. Awesome picture buddy I love how you got me posing on top with everyone wondering how I got there. Love, The true ninja warrior. (Dad)
-- William
- on December 13, 2016
Gavin this is an awesome picture. The use of color and the perfect placement of the color wheel. Everything is symmetrical and I love it. Great job buddy. Love, Dad.
-- William
- on October 28, 2016
Awesome job Gavin. You are getting way better at staying inside the lines and your art creations are improving. Keep up the beautiful pictures. I love to look at your creations. Dad
-- William
- on September 27, 2016
Looks a lot like me Gavin. Is this a picture of what you believe your dad looks like. I especially like the hair. The colors are awesome as well. You are awesome. Dad
-- William
- on September 12, 2016
Great imagination Gavin. The colors are cool and I like this drawing it resembles a key and looks awesome. Love ya.
-- William
- on September 6, 2016
Gavin this is truly Picasso style who loved abstract art and was well known. Awesome use of colors, shapes, and lines to create another masterpiece. Looks fantastic and you always inspire me to be more creative in my drawings at home with you. Love you lots. Dad
-- William
- on February 26, 2016
This is so beautiful Gavin. I see some gifts in the future for mom. I love your creativity with the different colors, while maintaining the shape of the heart. This is truly awesome.
-- William
- on February 19, 2016
This picture is so cool. You have such am imagination, please don lose that creativity and keep drawing.
-- William
- on February 14, 2016
This is awesome Gavin. You always warm my heart when your around, now you will warm my heart with this great picture when we are apart. Love, Dad
-- William
- on February 14, 2016
Great picture Gavin, I love the flying crows in the back ground and the patchwork is so detailed. Tis the perfect picture for the season. Dad.
-- William
- on November 23, 2015
What an awesome picture Gavin. I love the way the colors have such perfect contrast. I love seeing your art. Dad.
- on November 5, 2015
Awesome job Gavin, I love your creativity. Dada
- on October 26, 2015
Gavin I love all your art work You are an amazing artist love to do
-- Judy D.
- on October 22, 2015
Awesome job Gavin. I love how the colors change when they overlap. Very cool. Dad
- on October 9, 2015
Great self portrait Gavin. I see confidence in this portrait and a lot of hair. ???? Love Dad
- on September 26, 2015
Awesome job Gavin. I love seeing your art work, it so impressive and way better than mine.
- on September 22, 2015
Hey Gavin awesome new art project. Way to kick of the new year. Keep the precious pictures coming. I know a lot of people who will be looking for them. This is awesome and could be turned into something special for mommy. Love, Dada
-- keith
- on August 29, 2015
You are my little artist and you inspire me every day! I could noto be more proud of you and your work! I love you!! Mommy
- on March 12, 2015
Gavin your doing such a great job with your art work both in school and at home. Keep creating and never stop dreaming. Love dad
-- William
- on March 12, 2015
Great picture of hot and cold here in Florida Gavin. Dad
- on February 5, 2015
That's an awesome snowman Gavin. dad
- on February 5, 2015
Gobble gobble gobble. Great turkey.
- on February 5, 2015
Hey Gavin great job buddy. I am always impressed by your work. Keep it up. Love you, Dad.
-- William
- on December 12, 2014
Hi my little Picasso--I am so proud of your creativity and love to see all your creations!
-- Mommy
- on December 12, 2014
Gavin - you are a Artis in disguise, keep your ideas
-- Grandma Mickey
- on November 6, 2014
Excellent Tree Gavin. I love seeing your art. Keep up the great work. Dad.
-- Keith
- on October 29, 2014
Awesome looking leafs Gavin. You are becoming more and more creative as you grow. Never loose your creativity. Love ya, Dad
-- Keith
- on October 20, 2014
Hi Gavin I saw your artwork and I loved it!
-- Judith
- on October 20, 2014
Awesome elephant Gavin. You definitely got Mom's artistic skills. Love dad.
- on October 6, 2014
Awesome 1st picture Gavin. Keep smiling and keep the art work coming. Extremely enjoy a peek inside that brilliant mind. Love, Dad
-- William
- on September 23, 2014