Snow is so beautiful and so fun to play in. You have captured both the beauty and the fun it brings. Good job, well done sweet Anja. -- Grandma T
- on June 3, 2015
More interesting works of art......So glad you are learning about color, design and presentation. Love getting your art work via e-mail. Love You So Much!!! -- Grandma and Grandpa T.
- on February 12, 2015
So pretty, I bet this was fun to do! -- Lesley
- on February 12, 2015
Love it Anja! So fun seeing all your artwork! -- Lesley
- on February 12, 2015
Wow, Anja, your art work is getting better and better. Keep up the great work. -- Papa
- on February 12, 2015
Another good effort. We don't get snow in our part of AZ so it is fun to see your snowman. -- Papa
- on January 21, 2015
Very cool Anja, I love the dolphins jumping - I want to go to Florida and watch them with you! -- Nana
- on January 21, 2015
Outstanding Christmas pointsettia....such a beautiful Christmas plant. Your skills are getting better and better, sweet Anja!! -- Papa
- on December 11, 2014
This is beautiful Anja! I especially love the holly leaves. Nice work! -- Lesley
- on November 20, 2014
The light from a candle always reminds me of the light we receive from God. You are a "light" to our family sweet Anja...a precious gift from God. -- Grandma T.
- on November 20, 2014
Wow...another great drawing. Space would be an interesting place to visit. -- Papa
- on November 20, 2014
This is very creative....I like it. Love you!! -- Papa Tabor
- on November 12, 2014
We enjoyed all your work but this one really shows your creativity and patience. I can well imagine it took a long time. Good job, well done -- Grandma T.
- on November 3, 2014
Awesome use of color and design ... think you have a future in doing this kind of work! Way to go!! -- Grandma Ilene
- on November 3, 2014
Anja, so happy to be a fan of yours!!!! I am loving your art and am excited to see more! -- Lesley
- on November 3, 2014
This is beautiful Anja, I'm going to order some jewelry with this on it! -- Nana
- on October 23, 2014
Anja, this is awesome, I can tell you spent a lot of time on it! It looks so 3D and the colors are terrific, it really makes me think of a tornado. Thanks for sharing it, I can't wait to see more! -- Nana
- on November 3, 2014
Wow, love this one. It reminds me of your personality!