Avery5733's Comments (335)

View Avery5733's portfolio
Below are comments about Avery5733's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your saying fits the scene perfectly! Nice job Avery!
- Auntie Wendy on March 18, 2025 NEW
- Grammie Susan on February 18, 2025
Avery - another good drawing. The proportions are good and you can tell how soft this little animal is by looking at detail on the body. (I wanted to attach an emoji but this site won’t let me….like a grandma would send something inappropriate…..)xoxo
- Grammie Dawn on February 18, 2025
Holy Moley Bat Man this is amazing!!!!! Too cool for words Avery. I am very proud (teary eyes)
- Auntie Jaime' on February 17, 2025
Aves! Is that really you!! Great work!
- Grammie Dawn on February 11, 2025
Woah. All those teeny tiny lines ..... must have taken forever to do, but I love the way it looks so it was SOOOOO worth it!
- Auntie Jaime' on January 23, 2025
Hi Avery- I like this piece - reminds me of a lot of things……like a biology slide - do they still do that??
- Grammie Dawn on January 20, 2025
Good job Avery! Your art seems to move on the paper! Very cool!
- Auntie Wendy on January 17, 2025
Avery - I can almost feel this right now bearing down on me - but why is it Canadian
- Grammie Dawn on January 9, 2025
Wow Avery! Such detail in your art! This is a great piece of art! Well done!
- Auntie Wendy on January 9, 2025
It’s a turtle bank! Is there an opening underneath to get your money out? Very nice Avery!
- Auntie Wendy on January 8, 2025
Hey Avery- is this a piggy bank? Is that a slot on his back ? Nice color and glaze. Happy new year!
- Grammie Dawn on January 6, 2025
He is the cutest balloon animal I have ever seen!
- Auntie Wendy on October 28, 2024
Hey Aves - good drawing exercise- I counted and you got the right number of fingers every time!! Love grammie
- Grammie Dawn on October 10, 2024
Wow Aves - those look like actual hands! I am not sure what they are all saying because I am ooollllllddddddd.
- Auntie Jaime' on October 9, 2024
Hi Avery- good advice! ……and make sure you listen to what’s said……put some color on it and make a sticker.
- Grammie Dawn on September 23, 2024
Wow. Just Wow. That is so cool Avery!
- Auntie Jaime on September 23, 2024
Good morning Avery- am enjoying your fish portrait- you did a good job not getting your colors all muddy……this will probably make ‘the wall’. ??
- Dawn on September 23, 2024
I love it! This watercolor would look fabulous hanging in our camper at the lake!
- Auntie Wendy on September 23, 2024
Hey Avery- is this your “starry night” interpretation? Interesting……enjoy your year. Xoxo
- Grammie Dawn on September 9, 2024
I love this Avery! Looking forward to seeing all the art you create this year!
- Auntie Wendy on September 9, 2024
Avery - I don’t know all that much about steers, but I’m thinking this one might be as big as my couch! Enjoy your summer!!
- Grammie Dawn on August 20, 2024
Thanks for explaining all the art techniques you used on this project! Good job! Have a fun summer!
- Auntie Wendy on August 20, 2024
This is pretty cool Avery! Are the silver edges metal? Like it was soddered? And are the pieces glass? Fun project!
- Auntie Wendy on May 14, 2024
This is SO cool! It is kind of hard to tell the size, but could you put a candle in it or a small plant pot? Actually, it could sit by itself and just BE. I love it!
- Auntie Jaime' on May 9, 2024
Hi Avery- interesting composition- would be curious to hear your meaning for each part. Also, nice to see the poppies be more alive than flat red.
- Grammie Dawn on May 8, 2024
Hey Avery! Surrealism is so interesting! You can really let your imagination run wild! Very cool!
- Auntie Wendy on April 18, 2024
- Auntie Jaime' on March 21, 2024
Avery - love it! You’re the king of the world! (A movie reference….ask your mom)
- Grammie Dawn on March 20, 2024
Hey Avery! Very cool! If this art is based on a real bug, you can keep them in Montana!!
- Auntie Wendy on March 5, 2024
I don’t know Aves……..this bug looks like something I don’t want to run into, but your technique Fiordland texture is good - if it had stripes if would be a potato beetle/ or maybe it’s not a bug, but something in the corner of your room …..
- Grammie Dawn on February 28, 2024
Avery!!! This art is amazing!!!
- Auntie Wendy on February 12, 2024
Hi Avery- your mom told me about this project - good challenge- looks good!
- Grammie Dawn on February 8, 2024
Avery - I can only assume from this art piece that the big tall basketball player for turner tornadoes is running around with only one sock…….
- Grammie Dawn on January 30, 2024
Awesome!! Looks amazing
- Gramma Susan on January 17, 2024
Hey Avery- good job - no worm holes!
- Grammie Dawn on January 17, 2024
Hey Avery- good job on this - did you see it thru a scope??
- Grammie Dawn on November 30, 2023
WOW What a nice Ram!!! Great Job Avery
- Gramma Susan on November 30, 2023
- Gramma Susan on November 15, 2023
Hi Avery- interesting piece / bet it took some time…..kinda makes me dizzy …..maybe that was supposed to happen…….
- Grammie Dawn on October 2, 2023
Hey Aves…..just read your narrative on the succulent…. You made me smile- thanks!
- Grammie Dawn on September 19, 2023
Hey Avery- nice job shading!
- Grammie Dawn on September 19, 2023
Avery! Your happiness exploded! Have a great year!
- Grammie Dawn on August 31, 2023
Avery - what better animal to watch over you on a starry night. Good job!
- Grammie Dawn on January 24, 2023
I love your semi...is that hay coming our way?
- Gramma Susan on January 4, 2023
Avery - good job on this Christmas star! Any blood on it?
- Grammie Dawn on December 14, 2022
Avery- I really thought I wrote something earlier, but probably missed a step - anyway, my message was something about this being an expensive load!! good job with the drawing. Your perspective is great!
- Grammie Dawn on December 14, 2022
Super cool. Does A F stand for "Amazing Friend"? How about "Affectionate Farmer"? or "Adequate Flexor" or "Aquatic Fish"? or "Assertive Forward" or "Arguable Flake" or "Any Fibber"? Silly me, it's Avery Fox :)
- Auntie Jaime' on December 5, 2022
this is awesome!! Really like the colors!
- Gramma Fox on November 21, 2022
pretty cool man
- Dad on November 7, 2022
Avery- your comments on your art piece and symbolism are very interesting and well done. Good for you!
- Grammie Dawn on November 7, 2022
Hey Avery- did you get to use your own face for the model- like put plaster all over and let it dry???? Fun or what??!!
- Grammie Dawn on November 7, 2022
Hi Avery/ good job on your perspective and shading. See you in a few days!
- Grammie Dawn on October 25, 2022
Hey Avery- love your new project- see you soon!
- Grammie Dawn on October 25, 2022
Hi Avery - interesting piece - I like the glaze on it - what can you use it for? Is it colored on the back?
- Grammie Dawn on October 25, 2022
Hey Avery great monogram - like the way you blended your colors ??
- Grammie Dawn on September 14, 2022
Avery- possible title…..”hidden messages”…..
- Grammie Dawn on September 7, 2022
Avery- untitled- maybe rainbow morph…..
- Grammie Dawn on August 31, 2022
Ok Avery - The first time I looked at this I thought it was Darth Vader – then I thought it was a gladiator helmet - then I thought it looked like a golf course… But whatever it is it’s kind of cool. You used a lot of imagination for all these related pictures.
- Grammie Dawn on August 23, 2022
Avery my man…..don’t know how you did this but it’s really great!! Thanks for sharing!!
- Grammie Dawn on August 23, 2022
Avery - if it did have a title could it be “Mickey Monster”?? ….. or did you have something else in mind……
- Grammie Dawn on April 28, 2022
Hey Avery - how ya doing - enjoyed this art work - how much of a curl would you say this sheep has? You’ll have to start taking pictures with your phone so you have ideas for future work
- Grammie Dawn on April 26, 2022
Avery this is great! Good job! Let’s hear it for atypical racks!
- Grammie Dawn on March 8, 2022
Hey Avery- I thought I had said something about your awesome creation before, but here goes again…..good job! The proportion is just right and it looks like it would fit.??
- Grammie Dawn on February 14, 2022
Avery - love this work! I bet it took a lot if careful time. ??
- Grammie Dawn on January 17, 2022
Groovy, Baby....
- Auntie Jaime' on September 14, 2021
Avery - this is easily the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time! Looking forward to seeing it in person!
- Grammie Dawn on September 13, 2021
This is cool! How did the up raised lines show up? And how did the color stay on? We made to have a little painting party when I see you next :)
- Auntie Jaime' on September 13, 2021
Avery- good to hear from you.... nice poster ..... your lettering is perfect and the gun is even better!!
- Grammie Dawn on May 11, 2021
Hi Avery- this turned out real nice - good job!
- Grammie Dawn on March 4, 2021
I love it. What is it?
- Auntie Jaime' on March 4, 2021
This is so cool Avery! I love it!
- Auntie Wendy on December 15, 2020
LOVE LOVE LOVE. This is so cool Avery - I am impressed. I want you to do my cat's faces like this :)
- Auntie Jaime' on November 30, 2020
Hi Avery! Your pie looks good enough to eat! Nice work on the shading of your plate and the pie. Is this your favorite kind of pie?
- Auntie Jolly on November 23, 2020
Hey Avery- how’s it going - is this a poor fallen moose? See you soon.
- Grammie Dawn on November 11, 2020
What a cool spooky tree! I think the prospective of looking through the bare branches makes it even spookier.
- Auntie Jolly on November 2, 2020
So cool Avery! Or should I say spooooky :O
- Auntie Jaime' on October 28, 2020
Hey Avery- this is really nice - good job on letting us know the sunflowers are in a clear jar. Thanks for sharing.
- Grammie Dawn on September 24, 2020
I love the expression on your face! Can you make your eyebrows show expression like that? Your art is so mature.
- Auntie Jolly on September 23, 2020
LOVE IT!!!! You could have a career as a cartoonist because I want to see this guy have some adventures. You look suave and tough at the same time!
- Auntie Jaime' on September 23, 2020
Hey Avery- good to hear from you....and see you....great job on this project- I like the eyebrows....??????
- Grammie Dawn on September 23, 2020
He is great. I shall name him Ted.
- Auntie Jaime on January 21, 2020
This is really cool - I could imagine an entire wall painted like this. You are the bomb!
- Auntie Jaime on January 21, 2020
Avery- I love this piece. I miss seeing the northern lights here in grand Forks because of all the city lights. Good job!
- Grammie Dawn on January 16, 2020
Look at this happy snow family!!! Where are the cows?
- Aunti Jaime on January 6, 2020
You're the Best. You're the Best. You're the B E S T Best!
- Aunti Jaime on January 6, 2020
Ho Ho Ho to you! See you soon!
- Grammie on January 6, 2020
Hi Avery- this is an interesting project. I like the soft colors and especially the branches. See you soon. Don’t be naughty....
- Grammie on December 9, 2019
Avery - this is super cool! I can actually "see" it waving in the wind. You have some mad skills man :)
- Auntie Jaime on November 25, 2019
Hey Avery- very interesting piece - you’ll have to tell me how you did it when I see you for the ‘best Christmas ever!’.....
- Grammie Dawn on November 11, 2019
Wow! What a fun project! Nice job Avery!
- Auntie Wendy on November 6, 2019
Hi Avery- this a weaving project right....I bet it took a long time....you did a great job! Happy Halloween!
- Grammie on October 30, 2019
looks like material that I would make a quilt with...really nice!!
- Grammie Susan on October 24, 2019
FREAKY and clever and of course, "weird". I do not think I would want to pet this.... :)
- Auntie Jaime on October 16, 2019
Avery.....WHAAAT?! Did you have a story to go with this creature? Is this clay? Did everyone do a mount or just the Fox kids......good job!
- Grammie on October 14, 2019
Hey Avery- I like this piece a lot! Is this possibly the lake (you didn’t get to spend enough days on....)? There’s always next year....put it on the calendar ....love, grammie
- Grammie on October 7, 2019
Hey Avery - good to see your work again. This is the tube at the beginning of the year. What would it look like at the end of the year......have a good year!
- on September 16, 2019
Very Patriotic Avery...nice job!!
-- Grammie Susan
- on May 15, 2019
Good job Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on May 15, 2019
Avery - good job, bud....you put a lot of thought into this project.
-- Grammie
- on May 14, 2019
Avery you crack me up. There is a pickle hanging from this Moose. Bahahahahahaha
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on January 14, 2019
I love my coffee mug with the moose on it! Great job!
-- Dad
- on January 2, 2019
-- Grammie Susan
- on January 2, 2019
Hi Avery- I saw this picture in your file and printed it and put it in my bathroom gallery - everyone liked it!
-- Grammie
- on December 26, 2018
Hey Avery - love your nutcracker- it looks real! Enjoy your Christmas vacation!
-- Grammie
- on December 18, 2018
Avery - is this train blocking traffic in Harlem? What did you write across the bottom? Let’s headit for the high line!
-- Grammie
- on December 12, 2018
Wow your Polar Express Train is moving fast!! Nice job!
-- Grammie Susan
- on December 12, 2018
Hey AF - this art piece looks like a very special golf cart - am I right? Anyway....happy birthday to you and we will see you soon . Love, Grammie
-- Grammie
- on November 12, 2018
That's made out of clay? I never made anything that cool out of clay in school and it certainly wasn't colorful and shiny!! Hmmmm - maybe you can start making pottery :)
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on November 12, 2018
very interesting pumpkin head
-- Grammie Susan
- on October 31, 2018
I love your colored trees!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on October 31, 2018
Your pumpkin looks fierce!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on October 31, 2018
Hey Avery- I get this one....a great way to do the color wheel. Looks good!
-- Grammie
- on October 31, 2018
Hey Avery- not quite sure what the story is here, but I really like the eyes and mouth. Enjoy your Halloween and we’ll see you got thanksgiving....if it doesn’t storm....
-- Grammie
- on October 31, 2018
WOW great colors!! Love your trees, they are so magnificent
-- Gramma Susan
- on October 30, 2018
Wow love the colors!!
-- Gramma Susan
- on October 10, 2018
Where did you see one of these? Does your Mom have one? YOU need one! Its almost like a fish tank where you just watch the blobs be different shaped blobs instead of watching fish swim. :)
-- Aunti Jaime'
- on October 9, 2018
-- Grammie
- on October 8, 2018
Hey Avery - this must have taken a lot of time and thought - it kind of reminds me of a hot air balloon.....interesting.....
-- Grammie
- on October 9, 2018
Seriously Avery - is there anyone cooler than you? :)
-- Auntie Jaime
- on September 26, 2018
Hey Avery- I bet theses green hills remind your mom of walhalla
-- Grammie
- on September 20, 2018
Hey Avery- one of the best poppy posters I have ever seen! Good job!
-- Grammie
- on May 23, 2018
Hey Avery- WHAT?! Is this paper and paint and tape or what? Very interesting.
-- Grammie
- on May 21, 2018
That looks really cool. Do NOT step in cow poop with these on!!!!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on May 21, 2018
Hey Avery- good job! I like all the designs on the shirt part. We’ll see how much bigger those working hands are next year.
-- Grammie
- on May 16, 2018
That is soooo pretty! I love the colors you used!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on April 19, 2018
Hey Avery - I’m glad you had a title on this picture. It would have taken me alllll day to guess what it is. Is your art teacher teaching you how to look veryyyyyy carefully at things??
-- Grammie
- on April 19, 2018
Hey Avery- I have visions of this creature flying thru the air slaying dust bunnies as he goes.....
-- Grammie
- on April 18, 2018
Hey Avery - this looks like Easter chicks hiding in Easter eggs - fun idea. It was fun coloring Easter eggs with you.
-- Grammie
- on April 11, 2018
I did look at this when it was first posted - must not have clicked the right arrow......anyway, I said this was a very good project, the color and shadows are perfect,.....and you must have a very good art teacher....
-- Grammie
- on April 4, 2018
This is loverly Avery. It seems so quiet and peaceful and like I could reach right in and pet that Moose :)
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on April 3, 2018
Wow great job on the Cat in the Hat!!
-- Grammie Susan
- on March 9, 2018
Hey Avery - a perfect cat in the hat! His eyebrows and little smile make him look like he is thinking about something good.....maybe it’s you.....
-- Grammie
- on March 9, 2018
Hey! Look at that sassy Cat in the Hat. You did a great job Avery.... just like the cover of the Dr. Seuss book!!!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 9, 2018
Wow! That bubble looks like it’s ready to come off the paper! Good job!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on March 6, 2018
Hey Avery- how did you even do this?! You will have to explain it when I see you at Easter.
-- Grammie
- on February 28, 2018
This is seriously cool. I want to know how you did it!!!!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on February 28, 2018
You did a fantastic job on this! Love it!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on February 27, 2018
Hey Avery- I looked at this before - very nice work! The shading is perfect.
-- Grammie
- on February 21, 2018
LOVE! You should make a bunch of them and sell them for valentine cards.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on February 21, 2018
Hey Avery- interesting project. Do you look at things differently now and see the shadows you didn’t see before?
-- Grammie
- on February 12, 2018
Wow Avery! That is a cool snow fort! What do the red and blue parts mean? Is that a flag? A stop sign? Good job!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on January 29, 2018
Hey Avery- I didn’t see this great drawing. Good job! Is this your dad freaking out about the deer hiding from him? There must be a story behind this.
-- Grammie
- on January 29, 2018
Hey Avery - neat project. Is that a flag on top? It would be very fun to have this fort.
-- Grammie
- on January 29, 2018
Fa La La La La! Cute! Merry Christmas Avery!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on December 21, 2017
-- Grammie Susan
- on December 20, 2017
Hey Avery- this guy is singing really loud I think. A good fun project. See you soon!
-- Grammie Dawn
- on December 20, 2017
This is so adorable - I have no words.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on December 20, 2017
Hey Avery- this is really pretty. I bet everyone in the class had a different one even though they did the same thing. See you soon!
-- Grammie
- on December 13, 2017
Avery your art is so cute! Love the moustach!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on December 6, 2017
Hey Avery - this looks like a person, but a very interesting way for him to look. Good imagination!
-- Grammie
- on December 6, 2017
Avery, explain this to me. I do not understand. There is a deer on his head and he seems sad.
-- Auntie Jaime
- on December 6, 2017
Hey Avery - can’t believe it....did you sew this?! Red is my favorite color...even if it is a monster.
-- Grammie
- on November 2, 2017
I bet this was a fun Halloween project! Cool!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on November 2, 2017
Hi Avery - good job on your jack-o-lantern. Was it messy to make? Can you put a little candle in it? The pumpkins you and piper carved were great! Have fun on Halloween!
-- Grammie
- on October 26, 2017
ACK!!! That is a scary pumpkin ready to trick you!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on October 26, 2017
Hi Avery! I love how colorful your art is! Auntie Jolly
-- Auntie Jolly
- on October 9, 2017
Avery- you did a good job with this lesson - it's abstract but I can still tell it's a rooster - great color!
-- Grammie
- on October 2, 2017
Avery - you are AMAZING. I love your colors and your rooster feet (are they called feet?) Picasso has nothing on you! Love you,
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on October 2, 2017
Hi Avery- what a fun project to finish the year. Looks like you might like chocolate donuts with icing and sprinkles.
-- Grammie
- on May 25, 2017
Oh No!! I didn't have breakfast this morning and now I am hungry :( Is that a maple one in the lower right hand corner? Because that would be my favorite. What is your favorite? Next time you come to Grand Forks we will go to the new bakery that is by where I work and find something yummy! Love you Avery.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on May 25, 2017
Avery - YOU make life colorful too! I am glad you are part of my family.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on May 1, 2017
Avery - you are right! No beige for us!!
-- Grammie
- on May 1, 2017
Are you going to make a T shirt now? I love this!
-- Grammie Susan
- on May 1, 2017
Oh Avery! How very nice! You must have had a model to copy. His face is perfect. Auntie Jolly
-- Auntie Jolly
- on May 1, 2017
Avery - you did a great job - love the tongue - will make sure Mason sees this
-- Grammie Dawn
- on May 1, 2017
His name is Benjamin. Please don't eat him. :)
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on May 1, 2017
What a cute bunny rabbit! I love the curly whiskers!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on April 12, 2017
Hey Avery - this rabbit looks like he might be hiding a carrot behind his back and I can just see the green top of the carrot by his head
-- Grammie
- on April 12, 2017
Hoppy Easter dear Avery!!!!
-- Grammie Susan
- on April 11, 2017
Here comes Peter Cottontail...cute bunny!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on April 11, 2017
I just love your bird!!! That is so awesome!
-- Grammie Susan
- on April 10, 2017
Avery, you have done such a nice job on your clay duck! Just in time for Easter, bawk! bawk!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on April 10, 2017
Hey Avery - great project - anxious to see it
-- Grammie
- on April 6, 2017
He is so CUTE!!! You could make a whole family like that and then build a bird house and a little swimming pool for them. Yah. That's what you should do. :)
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on April 6, 2017
-- Grammie Susan
- on March 30, 2017
Hey Avery- crazy cat, man - see you at Easter- should I bring hot sauce??
-- Grammie
- on March 30, 2017
Is that a Laurel Burch cat? I love how colorful he is! Good job Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on March 28, 2017
Wow great colors for icky germs! Good job Avery!
-- Grammie Susan
- on March 23, 2017
Avery - I think these germs would make me tickle instead of barf.....but that's a good thing - good job!
-- Grammie
- on March 16, 2017
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 15, 2017
Avery - I understand hunting at Turner, but don't remember seeing a giraffe around there..........
-- Grammie
- on March 8, 2017
Great Job Avery!!
-- Grammie Susan
- on March 7, 2017
Hi Avery - this us an interesting project - did you do the color first and then black or black first and then color - what does it look like upside down?
-- Grammie
- on March 6, 2017
-- Gramma
- on March 6, 2017
Avery - I think you should make a window in your outhouse and then you should do an actual stained glass window like this very cool picture and hang it in there. It would be very lovely to look at when you are "doing your business"
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 6, 2017
Hi Avery! Your picture looks like a stained glass window! Nice work
-- Auntie Jolly
- on March 6, 2017
Hi Avery- this picture makes me think the mountains have a heart
-- Grammie
- on March 1, 2017
Aww very nice! That's a keeper.
-- Auntie Jolly
- on March 1, 2017
Love your colors!!
-- Grammie Susan
- on February 14, 2017
Cool picture Avery!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on February 13, 2017
Hey Avery - another great piece. You are really getting good with mixing color and design this year.
-- Grammie
- on February 13, 2017
Love it!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on January 30, 2017
This is really cool Avery! Am I supposed to see a blue bird with a red eye and a pink dragon and pink lamb and a colorful dragon and a fish? Because I see all those things in this one awesome picture. Coolios
-- Aunti Jaime'
- on January 25, 2017
You are such a good big brother to pull your sister on the sled! You have nice handwriting too!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on January 16, 2017
I want a ride! That looks like so much fun. Uncle Doug used to pull me on a toboggan behind the snow machine and I loved it!!!!
-- Love Auntie Jaime'
- on January 13, 2017
Avery - very nicely done .....and piper is happy .....don't crash get snow down your neck!
-- Grammie Dawn
- on January 13, 2017
Guess what I found this on our Christmas tree! Thank you Avery
-- Grammie Susan
- on January 12, 2017
My favorite colors!! Beautiful
-- Grammie Susan
- on January 12, 2017
Avery - this is wonderful! your sky colors are amazing! I am freezing here in ND - how about you??
-- Grammie Dawn
- on January 11, 2017
I love the color of the sky - not boring baby blue - but bold and frigid colors!!! I like the shades in the trees too....how did you do that?
-- Love, Auntie Jaime'
- on January 11, 2017
This is so nice! Did you get to see some Van Gogh prints? Very beautiful work!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on January 11, 2017
Hi Avery! I wanted to thank you for the cool artwork at Christmas. I hung yours and Pipers with my own kids pictures that I do every year. Keep enjoying your art Avery!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on January 10, 2017
Wow Avery! What a cool picture frame! You could put your girlfriends picture in there!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on January 3, 2017
-- Grammie Susan
- on January 3, 2017
HI Avery! I love your poinsettia! It looks like the one in Grandma Joyces' living room. It looks so real! Nice job.
-- Auntie Jolly
- on December 22, 2016
Hi Avery! Fa la la la la...la la la la.
-- Auntie Jolly
- on December 19, 2016
Is this you singing a Christmas carol? What are you singing?
-- Auntie Wendy
- on December 14, 2016
Avery - this is really good .....and funny,too. How did you decide to make him look like he was singing loud?
-- Grammie Dawn
- on December 14, 2016
I love this Avery! I can hear him singing at the top of his lungs and it sounds great!!!! I will miss your face this Christmas and in fact Paige and Erin wanted to just forego Christmas since you and Piper aren't coming to North Dakota.... I hope we will see you soon.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on December 13, 2016
Great Scare crow! Love the birds and pumpkins. You should make this out of wood for a fall display!
-- Grammie Susan
- on December 7, 2016
Hey Avery - gobble, gobble - see you next week
-- Grammie Dawn
- on November 28, 2016
Gobble! Gobble! Have a good Thanksgiving Avery! Eat lots of punkin' pie!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on November 22, 2016
Your turkey is beautiful!
-- Grammie Susan
- on November 22, 2016
Love the turkey! Gobble, Gobble!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on November 22, 2016
Hi Avery - I love your turkey!! Especially her bright eyes and cute face.... I shall name her Penelope and she will be my pet and not my dinner :) Have a great Thanksgiving and school break.
-- Love, Auntie Jaime'
- on November 22, 2016
What a great patriotic star! Did you draw the star without a pattern? And 4 stars... one for you, one for Piper, one for mom, and one for dad! Good job Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on November 22, 2016
Love the marshmallows!
-- Auntie Jolly
- on November 22, 2016
Avery - this looks like the kind of cocoa mug you can take in the pickup. Hope it is not breakable and will keep the cocoa warm. You did a good job marching everything around the mug. Love the marshmellows.
-- Grammie Dawn
- on November 14, 2016
Dear Avery...WOW LOVE your cup drawing!
-- Grammie Susan
- on November 14, 2016
Are those tractors on your mug?? That is a great cup to drink cocoa from! Good job Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on November 14, 2016
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on November 14, 2016
Hi Avery! Your bats are "fangs" tastic! Did you go trick or treating ? I want all your of your Snicker candy bars and Uncle Jeff wants the Reese's Peanut Butter cups!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on November 7, 2016
I think your Mom should have boots like these....
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on November 3, 2016
Avery. Those are the best bats I have ever seen. I just watched Hotel Transylvania and the one on the right reminds me of Count Dracula when he flies around. Good Job!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on November 3, 2016
What a colorful pumpkin! Good job Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on October 24, 2016
AWESOME!! Love your coloring, great job!!
-- gramma Susan
- on October 24, 2016
YYYIIIIIKKKKKEEEEESSSSS - that is a monster spider and would probably scare my cats! (and they eat spiders)
-- Love Auntie Jaime'
- on October 24, 2016
That looks great, Avery! Now cut it up and make me a pie and some pumpkin seeds to snack on.... :)
-- Love Auntie Jaime'
- on October 24, 2016
I really like this one Avery. I like the vibrant colors, but they are soft - if that makes any sense to you. I hope the bug was not a cockroach, because those are disgusting. Maybe your bug was a cricket or an ant. Hey! The next picture could be a bird flying out of your tree and eating the bug!!!!!!!!!!!! I crack myself up.
-- Love Auntie Jaime'
- on October 5, 2016
Avery - this is wonderful! You really used your imagination!
-- Grammie
- on October 5, 2016
Good job Avery! I love the swirly knots on the tree!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on October 5, 2016
What a fun project! You did a great job Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on September 26, 2016
Avery - I like the colors! Was this very hard to do?? Did you put beads in there, too??
-- Grammie
- on September 22, 2016
Hey Avery that is pretty cool! I am wondering if you can weave me a sweater? I like the blue and purple and red .... :)
-- Auntie Jaime
- on September 22, 2016
Hi Avery! You sure did color your owl beautifully!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on September 12, 2016
Way to keep those great colors in the lines, Avery!
-- Grammie
- on September 12, 2016
This is freaky - but also very cool....
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on September 12, 2016
Fabulous! I LOVE that your pictures are so colorful and you don't use any boring grey - that shows me that you are a very creative person. Keep up the good work.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on September 12, 2016
Hey Avery - I could figure out everything in your head. What did you plan to have drive up your nose??
-- Grammie Dawn
- on September 8, 2016
This reindeer looks so real! I love his striped socks. From great auntie Jolly
-- jolly
- on September 8, 2016
Enjoy your year in second grade, Avery !
-- Grammie
- on August 29, 2016
I hope you have a great school year Avery! I can't wait to see all your art!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on August 29, 2016
WOW! Love the colors Avery!
-- Grammie Susan
- on August 26, 2016
Avery - Can you believe I didn't sign my name to my message? But who else is going to love your little guts?
-- Autnie Jaime'
- on August 26, 2016
Avery this is a really fun project. See you in a couple days and you can tell me about it
-- Grammy dawn
- on June 13, 2016
I want this as a rug in my house - I love the contrast of the colors on the black background.....but I would get lots of dog hair on it :(
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on June 13, 2016
Is that a hand head? Bahahahahaha - that is so cool!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on June 13, 2016
Hoot Hoot!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on June 13, 2016
Are you blowing me kisses?!? What a nice boy!!!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on June 13, 2016
Avery - Your art is so cool! I love looking at how colorful and creative you can be. I am going to miss seeing all these groovy things over the summer when you don't have art class anymore - but maybe you could just send me a picture every once in a while? ..... Love your guts!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on June 13, 2016
AWESOME Avery!!! Nice job
-- Grammie Susan
- on May 26, 2016
Fantastic! Suitable for framing!
-- Grammy dawn
- on May 26, 2016
Why Avery - you look very dapper in this picture....but I do not want you to touch me with your Easter egg hands! I particularly love your eye lashes (I wish I had them) Love you :D
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on May 16, 2016
Have your mom bring this art piece and I will put it in your scrapbook
-- Grammy Dawn
- on April 28, 2016
Your pop art reminds me of your mom's picture with all the color dots - MORE COLOR, man
-- Grammy Dawn
- on April 28, 2016
How could I have missed this one?! Are those eyeballs or pimples or horns or vomit? Hahahaha - I crack myself up.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on April 27, 2016
Avery - what is "Pop" art? Are these "pops" of color or "pops" of spots or "pops" of craziness? These are questions that need to be answered! So you better "pop" over to my house and tell me! Love your little face,
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on April 27, 2016
Fireflies!! So pretty! I've never seen one up close. Have you?
-- Auntie Wendy
- on April 13, 2016
Hey Avery , if there's one thing you know, it's baby cows - good job!
-- Grammie
- on April 10, 2016
Hi Cutie! I looked at this picture and could actually feel how soft the grass was and how fuzzy this baby's fur was. Good Job. And I hope he is someone's pet and not their dinner. Hahahahahahahaha. Only a farm boy could relate to that. :)
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on April 10, 2016
Hey - how did I miss this flower! Very pretty. I think I can actually feel how soft it is supposed to be. I think I would like a whole bouquet of these...
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 16, 2016
Avery - I am really digging this abstract lion. He looks very serious - but with the cool colors that you used, he could be just teasing me. Groovy.
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 16, 2016
Love it! Great color!
-- Grammie
- on March 15, 2016
Your giraffe art is great! Isn't there a book about a dancing giraffe? Did your art teacher read it to you? Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see the next art you create! XXOO
-- Auntie Wendy
- on March 8, 2016
Hi Avery, we are in Arizona. Have your mom show you how far away that is on the map. Giraffes can live in this warm place, but they don't.
-- Grammie
- on March 7, 2016
Hey! Your giraffe is dancing up a storm and it looks like he likes it!! Good thing he has a long neck so he doesn't tip over! Good work Avery!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 7, 2016
Hey Avery ....... Love your monster's eyelashes and teeth .... Good job ...... Are those burping bubbles over his head?!
-- Grammie
- on February 14, 2016
Good Job Avery - I could love that Monster - even though his teeth are crazy :D
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on February 14, 2016
I want to be this Pigeon's friend. I am going to name her Madge. :)
-- Auntie Jaime
- on February 8, 2016
This is funny.....poor snowman!
-- Grammie
- on January 20, 2016
Is this a unicorn snowman?? Did you do this with a computer?
-- Grammie
- on January 20, 2016
What a happy snowman!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on January 20, 2016
Hi Avery! I get it! The snowman with the cool colored background is nice and cold and standing up straight. The snowman with the warm colored background is melting because it's warm! You have a very clever art teacher!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on January 19, 2016
I'M MELTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on January 19, 2016
Ask mom to explain "deer in the headlights". Good job!
-- Grammie
- on January 13, 2016
Hi Avery! I love this! The background is so colorful! Good job! P.S. I put your "Splat the Cat" art you gave me for Christmas in a frame and it is hanging in my classroom! Thank you again for sharing your artwork with me!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on January 13, 2016
AWESOME AVERY!!! Keep up the great art work! Love you
-- Grammie Susan
- on January 13, 2016
I am going to hug him and squeeze him and call him George!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on January 13, 2016
This is really fun! What is it made out of? Not too long until we see you . Be good!!
-- Grammie
- on December 16, 2015
Avery - I love this Santa! I think this is my favorite one yet....you could sell them for money! I can't wait to see your face again. I hope you are having a good school year - but you don't need a girlfriend yet. :) Love you!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on December 15, 2015
Hi Avery - I love your colorful leaf. That would be awesome to have a tree that could actually grow those leaves in my back yard!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on December 8, 2015
Hey....you worked really hard on this corn. Good job!! Did you have some corn to look at or did you just know it? Have a yummy thanksgiving!
-- Grammy dawn
- on November 24, 2015
Keep it up, Avery! I like how the sky peeks thru the leaves on this one. Maybe. You can climb one of Tyler's trees when you are here.
-- Grammie
- on November 16, 2015
I think this tree is great! I am going to show it to Erin so that maybe she can help her students do the same thing at their school. Maybe you could send me one that looks like a Christmas Tree...... ?..... :)
-- Auntie Jaime
- on November 16, 2015
OKay! Someone is working hard in this picture.... where is your face in the tractors? That would have been awesome :)
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on November 11, 2015
You are such a good artist Avery!
-- Wendy
- on November 10, 2015
AWESOME art work Avery!! Love all your work!
-- Grammie Susan
- on November 10, 2015
Groovy picture Avery Man... I wish I could see them in person and you could give me some pointers on your choice of colors - everything is so bright and your pictures make me happy!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on November 10, 2015
I love how the buffalo is drinking from the river and the porcupine is up in the tree. Just like the story! Love, Mom
- on November 4, 2015
Hi Avery. Is this picture about a story the teacher told? Good job!
-- Grammie
- on October 24, 2015
I love your black cat Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on October 19, 2015
I want to hug him and squeeze him and call him George. He would fit right in with all my other cats....he is even black like Punkin and Raja. Poor Thrasher will be the only orange cat - but he won't mind....cause this one looks really fun!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on October 19, 2015
Spider man Spider man. Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web... Any size. Catches thieves, just like flies. Look out - here comes Spider man! Great job AF!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on October 6, 2015
Good job, Avery! You did a good job on a tricky web for that spider. See you soon.
-- Grammy Dawn
- on October 4, 2015
Avery - your Rapunzel is lovely and I can actually feel her hair waving in the wind. Maybe I should be her for Halloween..... but I think Uncle Joe wants us to be the mom and dad from The Incredibles. I will rock that red suit! Make sure to send me a picture of your costume.
-- Auntie Jaime
- on September 29, 2015
He looks like a puffy little peep! So fluffy that I could gobble him up - but I won't because you made it and it looks fabulous. I miss your face.
-- Auntie Jaime
- on September 22, 2015
You are a great artist Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on September 14, 2015
Great color, Avery. Did you have to use special paint? Did you paint a big piece first and then cut it up? You did a good job putting all the pieces in the right places.
-- Grammie
- on September 14, 2015
Avery - if I saw your bug coming at me, I would scream and run really fast! I love looking at your art so keep up the great work and awesome creativity.
-- Auntie Jaime
- on September 14, 2015
Do you really have a shirt with combines on it?! Good job
-- Grammie
- on September 8, 2015
Is this a calico cat? Good job!
-- Grammie
- on September 3, 2015
Hi Avery! You did a great job!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on September 3, 2015
WOW - you are in first grade! I hope you have a great year at school. I really like your "piece", but I bet the entire puzzle would be awesome!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on August 31, 2015
great job Avery!! Keep up the good work!
-- Grammie Susan
- on May 19, 2015
What is that? A super hero? A crazy cookie man? Tater tot man? A snow cat? It is hard to tell by the photo - but I like it!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on May 19, 2015
Very nice Avery! Tulips are my very favorite flower!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on May 18, 2015
Very nice!! What is behind the fence? You are getting to be a good artist.
-- Grammie
- on May 14, 2015
Your dog looks terrific! I wish I could draw that well! (don't tell me that is a wood tick beside it though because I will get the heeby jeebys)
-- Auntie Jaime
- on May 13, 2015
I like this one. How did you stick it together? Does it fly?
-- Grammy dawn
- on May 13, 2015
I like it! What is it?
-- Auntie Jaime
- on May 13, 2015
What a great project! Recycled art. Your mom saves some really interesting stuff.
-- Grammie
- on May 12, 2015
Avery - you are so creative. I really like that I can see what you are doing at school....what am I going to do all summer long when you aren't in school?! I am looking forward to seeing you soon and maybe we can do some fun craft stuff together when you are here.
-- Auntie Jaime
- on May 12, 2015
Hi Avery - keep up the good work - pretty soon the school year will be over and you will be ready for a good vacation - see you in June for a fun trip!
-- Grammie
- on May 6, 2015
These are some of the coolest tulips I have ever seen. Would you and Piper want to make some pictures for me when you are at Grammy Dawn's this summer so that I can have some of my very own? Pretty please with sugar on top!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on May 6, 2015
Hi Avery - what is this guy's name? Or is it a girl? I think he looks like a Benjamin or she looks like a Prudence. I love the bright colors!!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on May 6, 2015
I don't know about Montana, but a butterfly in North Dakota would have frozen wings!!!
-- Grammie
- on April 21, 2015
I love his smiling face! I can't wait until it is nice enough outside to see butterflys flying around my flowers.
-- Auntie Jaime
- on April 20, 2015
I love your birds Avery!
-- Wendy
- on April 14, 2015
This is great, Avery! Is there a story to go with this picture? Where do you put all your art work?
-- Grammie
- on April 14, 2015
This picture is AWESOME Avery!! Doing a great job!
-- Grammie Susan
- on April 14, 2015
Hello Avery! Did you draw this picture of birds for my family? I think they look like Uncle Joe, Auntie Jaime, Paige, Erin, Trey, and.....Grammy Dawn, and ....... Piper! Why did you choose 7 birds? Do they have names? I LOVE their little faces. See you soon, Auntie Jaime'
-- Jaime
- on April 14, 2015
love the colors Avery...keep up the great work!
-- Grammie Susan
- on April 10, 2015
Avery, your doing great. You have a lot of talent and have a great teacher!!!!! Love you very much
-- Dad
- on April 7, 2015
These flowers are beautiful Avery!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on April 2, 2015
WOW AVERY!! BEAUTIFUL!! You are doing a great job!
-- gramma
- on April 2, 2015
Good job Avery...I bet you had fun with the paint on your fingers! You didn't put any paint on the wrong things, did you??
-- Grammie
- on April 1, 2015
Avery! I think Erin's three cats would want to gobble your cute fish...they look so real!
-- Auntie Jaime'
- on March 25, 2015
You are doing a wonderful job on all your art projects Avery!! Love you!
-- Susan
- on March 21, 2015
There was a rabbit just like this in my yard last week. It was so big I thought it was Jackie.
-- Dawn
- on March 19, 2015
You are a great artist Avery! Just like your momma!
-- Auntie Wendy
- on March 18, 2015
Avery - I really like ALL of your artwork. I am finding it hard to pick out a favorite! I can't wait to see more....keep up the great creativity and I will be watching!
-- Auntie Jaime
- on March 18, 2015
I showed Mason you artwork last weekend. He liked this one the best.
-- Grammie
- on March 16, 2015
Hey....another great one. What can you tell me about it?
-- Grammie
- on March 2, 2015
Avery......this picture is so colorful!!! It is GREAT!!!! I can tell you really worked hard on it. Love, Grammy
-- Dawn
- on March 2, 2015