This is so beautiful Peyton! I love the fancy lettering in your name using the black letters. it makes your name really stands out with the bold letters against your cool background design. -- Ashley
- on August 28, 2018
Love this Peyton! Great job! Love,Mommy -- Ashley
- on August 28, 2017
Mommy can't wait to get this adorably cute froggy home to sit in my kitchen window! -- Ashley
- on May 30, 2017
Great Job!!! Keep up the good work! Love, mom -- Ashley
- on August 18, 2016
Peyton - you are doing so very well in school. Paw Paw and I are excited about seeing you in a couple of weeks! Keep up the good work! love, Gammy!!!! -- barbara
- on May 30, 2017
Peyton - you are doing so well in school. PawPaw and I will be so excited to see you Saturday! -- Barbara (Gammy)
- on May 30, 2017
Peyton - Gammy and PawPaw are so very proud of you. Your artwork is AMAZING! Keep up the good work sweetie. We love you very much! Hope to see you soon! -- Barbara
- on February 3, 2016
Peyton - you are doing beautiful artwork. Keep up the good work! We love you very much. Gammy and PawPaw! Hope to see you soon! -- Gammy (Barbara Harris)
- on January 27, 2016
Well done Peyton!!! Keep up the great work! -- Ashley