And Merry Christmas to you, to, Adyson. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on December 8, 2015
How cute! I just got a flip flop welcome mat for the back door. I need to get a plaque of this to put by it. Love you, Adyson. -- Grandma Susie
- on May 25, 2015
You are going to have to explain this one to me, Adyson. Looks like a pizza box with fish in it. In any case, God is good. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on May 25, 2015
So pretty, Adyson. Have you ever seen the Cherry Blossoms in Washington D.C.? Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on May 8, 2015
It's a bird totem pole! Pretty! Love you, Adyson! -- Grandma Susie
- on April 19, 2015
That is HARD, Adyson. I don't get any of the letters. HELP! Love you! -- Grandma Susie
- on April 11, 2015
What a sweet Spring lamb, Adyson. It looks like she has a bow in her hair. Love you! -- Grandma Susie
- on March 22, 2015
Adyson -- good job -- Picasso was a pretty odd guy, wasn't he? Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on March 11, 2015
What a colorful kitty. Does s/he have a name? Love you! -- Grandma Susie
- on March 4, 2015
What a happy snowman, Adyson. He looks like he is ready to give you a hug. Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on January 29, 2015
Good job, Adyson. Go COLTS!!! Love you. -- Grandma Susie
- on January 16, 2015
Awwww! So sweet, Adyson. Merry Christmas! -- Grandma Susie
- on December 19, 2014
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Very nice, Adyson. -- Grandma Susie
- on December 11, 2014
Merry Christmas colors. So pretty, Adyson. -- Grandma Susie
- on December 4, 2014
Such a cute Partridge, Adyson. Do you know the whole song? I'm talking about the real song, not a silly song like you do with Jingle Bells. Love you! -- Grandma Susie
- on November 20, 2014
Very interesting, Adyson. -- Grandma Susie
- on November 19, 2014
Oh, Adyson, it makes me feel like Merry Christmas! Good job! Love you, Grandma Susie -- Grandma Susie
- on November 12, 2014
Hi Adyson, I ordered some of your artwork. I also had a post card sent to Great Grandma from you. It told her that you drew what was on the other side of the post card and that you hoped she liked it. It also told her you love her. I sent her the drawing that said to love one another. I hope you are having a great weekend. Have a wonderful week at school. Love, Grandma Debbie -- GrandmaDebbie
- on September 7, 2014
Adyson, Your three artworks are beautiful! Keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma Debbie and Bud -- GrandmaDebbie