BRODY1384's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about BRODY1384's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job, buddy!
-- Brooke
- on April 24, 2017
Great job, Brody! I LOVE IT!!!
-- Brooke
- on January 23, 2017
B I love your art. You are so creative. Good job dude. Love you Sissy.
-- Monice
- on October 12, 2016
Two of the cutest Mikey's I know!
-- Brooke
- on November 23, 2015
Thanks for sharing "Mikey"with us today, I used this as a teachable moment to explain the four mutant ninja turtles were named after 4 famous artist. Hope this picture makes you smile! Mrs. Mills
- Crystal (teacher at Heber Springs Elementary School) on October 19, 2014
I couldn't resist taking this opportunity to share with the students how the mutant ninja turtles received their names. Not to mention this photo op to show how adorable you two are!
-- Crystal
- on November 22, 2015