I really like your tree. Are the leaves your hand prints. -- Linda
- on January 7, 2016
Kenneth: This is a really nice tree. Did you have to draw around your hand or did you just cut out hand shapes? I like that you chose one of the leaves has fallen to the ground. You are a good artist. -- Linette
- on January 7, 2016
Kenneth: This artwork is amazing. I think your art teacher is an super-great teacher. This project must have taken alot of time! I think you followed the directions so well. I love this artwork and all the kinds of paint, pastels, mixing paint, cutting that you had to do. I love to see how good you are getting at art and how you are learning to read sight words! Love Brown Grandma -- Linette Grandma
- on November 5, 2015
I love it! -- Linette
- on October 9, 2015
This is a very good picture because I like how you planned the blue, green and orange colors. I love you painting. -- Linette
- on October 9, 2015
I would like to learn how to do a "stamp" like this. I like the animals you chose. The drawings you made on the pages is great! I like to look at your art. -- Grandma from the brown house -- Grandma
- on April 23, 2015
Hi Kenneth: This is a very nice artwork. I really like how you chose the colors and where you drew the colors. I also love the string and sewing around the edge and that you made orange around the outside. I love to see what you can make. Love, Grandma in the Brown House -- Linette
- on March 14, 2015
This is a very colorful picture Kenneth. I like it alot! -- Grandma