Elijah7777's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Elijah7777's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful....and that is how our silhouette would look walking toward the sun!
-- XOXO Mimi
- on March 30, 2016
Nice work! Love the colors! The couch seems very soft and cozy! I am going to climb that ladder so I can go swimming!!!
-- XOXO Mimi
- on March 30, 2016
Love that the roof of your house has a pool and a lounge chair !
-- XOXO Mimi
- on March 30, 2016
Love this drawing! You will have to tell me what kind of food is coming out of the shaker!
-- XOXO Mimi
- on March 30, 2016
Eli, I love your newest artwork!!! The cake and the stand are so creative! Love the green leaves budding out!
-- XOXO Mimi
- on March 30, 2016
That's a really cool ship! You are such a good artist!
-- Misty
- on March 30, 2016
This looks yummy!
-- Andrea
- on January 27, 2016
This was put in the phone book:)
-- Andrea
- on January 27, 2016
Aww...so sweet!
-- Andrea
- on January 27, 2016
I love the colors in this!
-- Andrea
- on January 27, 2016
This is cool!
-- Andrea
- on January 27, 2016
Love it!
-- Andrea
- on January 27, 2016
Wow! I love the colors in this piece of art! Great job buddy:)
- on September 24, 2015
That is really nice Eli! Keep up the good work buddy??
-- Nanny
- on September 24, 2015
You did a great job on this one Eli!! I love it!!! Love you!
-- Misty
- on September 2, 2015
Hey Buddy! Keep up the good work! I'll be watching??
-- Nanny
- on September 2, 2015
Elijah, this Ice Cream Cone looks SOOOOOO Goooooood, I want to eat it!!! Great Job!
-- Mimi
- on April 15, 2015
ELI I think this picture needs to be on nanny's wall! Great work buddy??
-- Nanny
- on February 11, 2015
I love this painting!
-- Mom
- on February 18, 2015
Wow ELI that is A sweet ornament you made buddy! We may need to get that to put on future Christmas trees??
-- nanny
- on December 18, 2014
This is beautiful and peaceful. I love it!
- on November 17, 2014
I love your rainbow and cross! God's promises to his people:)
- on November 17, 2014
Another great work!
- on November 17, 2014
Great job buddy! You are so talented:) I love you. -Mom
- on November 17, 2014
Awe this picture is one of the best! I love it buddy??
-- Nanny
- on November 11, 2014
Great picture, it scared me!
-- Popie
- on November 8, 2014
Hey sweetie, I Love your art work! I love seeing all the things you do here! Keep up the good work:) I'll keep checking up on you and all your neat stuff!
-- Gloria
- on November 5, 2014
Elijah, I am so very impressed with you artistic talents. You have many special gifts and I pray you work each one to the best you can. I love you very much! XOXOX
-- Mimi
- on November 5, 2014