Adam9625's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Adam9625's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good vibrant colors. It really pops.
-- Grandpa
- on May 10, 2015
Really like this one. Multimedia. A lot of different textures. Very cool.
-- Grandpa
- on May 10, 2015
My favorite of the year so far!
- on May 4, 2015
Adam, Great 3-D work! I love the colors and the way you added the fellers to the tail.
-- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
Good job Adam. Can't wait to see your art in person. The older you get, your projects get much more detailed and colorful. I really liked this project.
-- Ruth
- on April 27, 2015
WOW!! What a beautiful bird!
- on March 26, 2015
What a great presentation. I love the composition and the colors. Way to go Adam.
-- Grandma
- on March 12, 2015
Adam this looks like it was a rather hard project, but you did a nice job. Looking forward to seeing more of your art work. Love grammie
-- Ruth
- on March 19, 2015
Great tree. Love the materials and textures. Very creative.
-- Grandpa
- on March 19, 2015
Wow! I'm so proud of you, and I love the colors you chose. Love you lots, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on March 19, 2015
Adam I saw your new art project today. You are getting very good with art projects, I remember when you didn't stay in lines and I couldn't tell what you were drawing or painting. I'm enjoying seeing your art projects and your sister's. This is a great idea your school has sharing through the internet. I've had lots of great complements on my totebag I ordered. Keep up the good work.
-- Grammie Ruth
- on October 25, 2014
Hey Adam. Really nice. Love the color. You're becoming an artist. Grandma and Grandpa.
-- Grandpa
- on October 24, 2014
Adam, I am so glad I got to see your artwork. I love your choice of colors against the black background. I noticed you got to include all your favorite colors. xxoo Grandma
- on September 22, 2014
Very nice. Good color. Good composition. Good line drawing too.
-- Grandpa
- on September 18, 2014
Adam this is such a good still life. You did a terrific job. I am so proud of you! Love Grammie
-- Grammie Ruth
- on September 8, 2014