Sam8481's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Sam8481's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is incredible, Sam! I really love how you were able to use light and dark greens to reflect light. It's been really great to see how your art has developed over the years. You've gotten really good. Love, your aunt Margie
- Margie on November 18, 2020
You’ve gotten to be a really great artist, Sam! It’s been really nice to see how are your art skills have grown over the years. Thanks for sharing it with us!
- Margie on July 8, 2020
Gee Sam, it's perfect for Halloween. You keep getting better and better. Please keep enjoying your art. Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on November 7, 2018
Sam, your reaper is amazing!
-- Jennie
- on October 30, 2018
This is fantastic! Both John and I are so impressed. Your art is getting really really good, Sam!
-- Margie
- on November 7, 2018
I like this guy. He's really cute.
-- Margie
- on October 30, 2018
Very cool!
-- Margie
- on October 30, 2018
This is gorgeous! It would make a great stained glass window.
-- Margie
- on October 30, 2018
Hey Sam the man, You are becoming Quite the artist. We love, love, love you! Grandma and Grandpa
-- Phyllis
- on April 18, 2018
Sam, this is the best work you've done! I'm so proud of you. I can't read the name so I'm giving him another one: HAPPYGUY. Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on April 18, 2018
I love this one! Thank you for sending it. Much love, grandma
-- Phyllis
- on March 21, 2018
Great work Sam! Keep it going. You're improving all the time. Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on March 21, 2018
Wow! You are so creative. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandpa
-- morton
- on November 8, 2017
A new art skill I see. The colors are beautiful. Would you please make one of these for me and grandpa? We'd love to have one! Much aloha, Grandma
-- Phyllis
- on July 6, 2017
Wow! Your weaving knocked my socks off! Your colors are amazing! Keep up your wonderful work. Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on July 6, 2017
Dear Sam, Grandpa and I both think that your art work is fab- we can see it developing picture by picture. Maybe you too can take art lessons. Your use of color is wonderful and imaginative and in all the art we've see so far, your personality shows through. We're so proud of you and love you to infinity and back. Grandma and Gramps
-- Gramps, Grandma
- on May 30, 2017
Hi Sammy,
Just found your art work and I am very impressed! Liked the rabbit, too. come see us and bring the whole family! Love and kisses, Nina and Poppop
-- Nina and Poppop
- on May 30, 2017
SuperSam! The world really needs him these days :)
-- Margie
- on May 30, 2017
Another great piece of art! Is the figure on the rabbit's shirt a fish or just an interesting figure? Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on April 18, 2017
Wow! This is your best one! The colors are so great! I get the feeling that things are in motion. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandpa
-- morton
- on April 5, 2017
I really love this. It looks like a big ice berg just broke off. It is very topical too. Antarctica has been in the news a lot lately.
-- Dad
- on February 16, 2017
Far out man. Let's get this framed.
-- Dad
- on February 16, 2017
Sam, does that polar bear have a name? That picture is so realistic that I get goosebumps just looking at it. It's your best picture so far. Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on February 16, 2017
Sam, I just love "LOVE". The colors are so great. Keep them coming! Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on February 16, 2017
Sam, your art keeps getting better and better. Keep up the great work! Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on February 16, 2017
Love this guy!
-- Aunt Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Your work is inspiring, Sam! I must go to Antarctica!
-- Aunt Margie
- on February 16, 2017
I'm imagining this spiral on a snail shell.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
If I had an imaginary special place it would look like this.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Once again I love all the colors!
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Totally cool!
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
I'd like this guy as a pet. I'd name him Candy Corn guy.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Greetings from infinity and beyond!
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
I wish this was a real flower. I'd definitely grow it in my yard.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
There he is again! That elf on a shelf shows up in the in strangest places.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
How much for a gum ball? They look delicious.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
A fencing snowman! Long live Sir Snowman!
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
I remember doing those in school! Very cool.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Friend or foe?
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Hey Sam, we love this painting! Keep up the good work. We ?? You. Grandma and grandpa
-- Mort
- on February 16, 2017
This guy is so cool! He looks happy to be here.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
Goodnight, giraffe :)
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
I love bunnies!
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
For those of us out here, this looks really cold! I'm a real fan of your color choices, Sam.
-- Margie
- on February 16, 2017
This is so cool. Those eyeballs really pop out!
-- Aunt Margie
- on February 8, 2017
Wow!!! Sam, you are really good!
-- Aunt Margie
- on February 8, 2017
This is beautiful. I really love the color choices.
-- Aunt Margie
- on February 8, 2017
I really love this one! Penguins are very cool.
-- Margie
- on February 8, 2017
love this!
-- Jennie
- on February 6, 2017
this one is my absolute favorite!
-- Jennie
- on February 6, 2017
Sam, Your work is so beautiful! Nina and Poppop love it and so do we! -Aunt Leah and Uncle John
-- Leah
- on February 8, 2017
It's beautiful. love the colors!
-- Matt
- on December 20, 2016
It's beautiful my sweet. I especially like your color choices. I must say, you're becoming quite the artist! I love you. Grams
-- Phyllis
- on January 19, 2017
Wow! Sam, your art work keeps getting better and better! Keep up the great work! Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on January 19, 2017
I love it. Very spooky!
-- Dad
- on November 14, 2016
Boy- he's a scary dude! Such a big mouth. "The better to eat you with my dear! Love you beyond infinity! Grandma
- on October 21, 2016
Aloha Sam: I didn't know you were so good at art. I've looked at your art from first grade until now, and I think you are as good at art as you are at catching a ball, which is great. Keep up the good work. See you in November. Love, Grandpa
-- Mort
- on October 12, 2016
Wow! I especially love the irises and the giraffe! Thank you, thank you for sharing! I love you. Grandma
-- Phyllis
- on September 26, 2016