Tiana771's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Tiana771's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your artwork are so beautiful. Keep up the good work will pay off one day
-- Julia
- on May 18, 2016
You are so created and am very proud of you. One day I hope your dream will come true to become a artist
-- Julia
- on May 18, 2016
You have some beautiful drawing and am very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love you.
-- Julia
- on May 18, 2016
That is a very nice drawing sweetheart. I love the little birdie singing a little musical note.
-- Tiara
- on May 2, 2016
-- Aaron (Daddy)
- on April 8, 2016
The serpent. Hmmm interesting.
-- Aaron (Daddy)
- on April 8, 2016
-- Aaron (Daddy)
- on April 8, 2016
Baby you are amazing! I love all of your work! you inspire me!
-- Aaron (Daddy)
- on April 8, 2016
-- Kimberly
- on April 8, 2016
Baby girl you are very artistic. I love the work you do.
-- Greg
- on April 8, 2016
This is your grandmother I seen your artwork online and I think it look so beautiful. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you become one, one day Love You
-- Julia
- on March 11, 2016
You are truly creative. I love your work.
-- Greg
- on February 29, 2016
You did a wonderful job on this drawing! You are extremely talented, keep up the great work! 2 thumbs up!
-- Julia
- on February 26, 2016
Tiana.... THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!! REMINDS ME OF YOUR MOM! WAS THAT THE AIM??? U DID A FABULOUS JOB MY DEAR..AS ALWAYS!! Your gift is very special! Keep it up??????
-- TeTe Kim
- on February 23, 2016
Great job! You're a No Limit Artist?
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
Looks very much real! Amazing
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
True artistry
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
Outstanding artwork. She looks stunning!
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
Oh Wow!! That looks good!!!
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
This is a beautiful drawing!! No color needed!
-- Tiara
- on February 21, 2016
I love the detail in this picture. Great job!
-- Aaron
- on January 27, 2016
This from your grandpa and grandma we love all of your picture that you have draw. Keep it up.we love you.
-- Julia grandmo
- on January 27, 2016
I love your bear. This picture is very creative keep it up
-- Julia grandmo
- on January 27, 2016
Great Job tiana I love your picture
-- Julia grandmo
- on January 27, 2016
Great Job again. You are so talented. Am so proud of you. Keep up the good work cause God got your back he see your good work
-- Julia
- on January 27, 2016
I love your picture it look beautiful. Keep up the good work. Maybe one day you will become a artists.
-- Julia
- on November 10, 2015
That picture look Great. Keep up the good work. You going to be a good artists one day
-- Julia grandmo
- on January 27, 2016
Great job young lady. Keep believing in yourself and moving forward. You will do well.
-- Akemi
- on January 27, 2016
Hey Tiana!?? I didn't realize I could comment on these WONDERFUL drawings until just recently!!! I am sooo proud of you lil neicy!!! ALL OF THEM ARE SIMPLY AMAZING!! Keep up the fantastic work! Oh and I need you to sign me up to take one of your drawing classes whenever you're ready!!!?????? You are putting the gift that God gave you to great use!! Keep perfecting it!
-- TeTe Kim
- on January 27, 2016
This one is pretty good too. Nice colors
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
Nice imagination. A twister hairstyle.
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
How cute! This picture looks like it's straight out of a children's book.
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
Nice creativity! The sun in this picture is very unique. The grass and trees remind me of Dr. Seus. Lol!
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
I really really like this one. The graffiti looks really good! I like the style of the letters and the 2 different colors of them. Nice work
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
She did it again! Another great picture. Keep it coming sweetheart!!
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
Oh wow! This Zebra looks great baby girl!! Momma loves Zebras! Good job Peaches? #artistichands
-- Tiara
- on November 8, 2015
-- Cherise
- on January 27, 2016