Dalton4223's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Dalton4223's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really like your picture !! Merry Christmas Dalton
-- Miss Sherry
- on November 27, 2015
Dalton, Papaw and I love your Merry Christmas picture with the bird and snowman. We love you.
-- Granny
- on November 27, 2015
Dalton, I love the Nutcracker picture you colored. I think you are a wonderful artist and I'm so very proud of you. Love you Dalton. Granny
-- Granny
- on December 10, 2014
WOW Dalton! That is an impressive Nutcracker! Very nice! Keep up the great work!
-- Melissa
- on December 10, 2014
Dalton, I love your picture of Jesus in the manger. You did such a great job! It is so very special.
-- Melissa
- on December 8, 2014
Dalton, Your soil conservation artwork is AWESOME! Good job, buddy! :)
-- Melissa
- on December 8, 2014
Great job Dalton. We think all your artwork is excellent. Congratulations! Look forward to more.
-- Tim & Nancy
- on November 23, 2014
Dalton, Papaw and I loved your picture about conserve our soil. You did a great job on you picture. Good luck at the county contest. We are very proud of you and love you very much. Granny and Papaw
-- Granny
- on November 21, 2014
Dalton, you did a beautiful job on your Conserve Our Soil picture. We are so proud of you for winning the 3rd grade contest. Good luck with the county contest.
-- Grandma & Pa
- on November 21, 2014
Congratulations Dalton, you did a wonderful job!
-- Ginger
- on November 21, 2014
Dalton, I am so proud of you!! Congratulations on winning the 3rd grade contest!! Love you, Mom
- on November 21, 2014
Dalton, I really love the depth in this dinosaur picture.
- on November 20, 2014
Dalton, I love all your artwork. This drawing of Spirit is one of my favorites. Good job!
-- Grandma
- on November 18, 2014
Dalton, this is a beautiful picture of a big buck deer.
-- Granny
- on November 18, 2014