Cody9455's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Cody9455's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like this one Cody
-- Mama
- on November 19, 2015
Sounds like good advice.
-- Grandmama
- on November 18, 2015
Nice Christmasy scene! Keep up the good work! - Uncle KK
-- Kevin
- on December 10, 2014
Love the fireplace in this Christmas scene.- Mama
- on November 13, 2014
I like your card Cody. Love you ~ Grandmama
-- Marcia
- on November 13, 2014
Great portrait! Love the detail in the shirt! You could make shirt graphics like your uncle! ;)
-- Kevin
- on September 28, 2014
Nice shading
-- Marcia
- on July 1, 2014
Wow! Such a great artist. You are so talented!
-- Donna
- on June 17, 2014
Excellent shadowing! Keep up the good work!
-- Uncle Kevin
- on June 17, 2014
Looks great! You should put that up on the wall!
-- Uncle Kevin
- on June 17, 2014
Oh I like the colors and detail of this one. Tell me about it. I can see Jupiter's eye and Saturn's ring. You have a good eye Cody.
-- Marcia
- on June 17, 2014
Love your artwork Cody -- keep up the good job!
-- Grandmama
- on May 31, 2014
That's real creative! Youre really good! You should continue to keep up with your artistic skulls as you grow up!
-- Uncle Kevin
- on May 31, 2014
Such a lovely Mother's Day card!
-- Marcia
- on May 21, 2014
Good job Cody. Glad you care about clean water.
-- Marcia
- on May 9, 2014
Such a good artist! I see you're taking after your artistic uncle. ;)
-- Kevin
- on May 9, 2014
Beautiful picture and message, love the rocks in the water.
-- Mama
- on May 9, 2014