Zyondra1's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Zyondra1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cool fish Za. You are so artistic. Love Mom
- on June 8, 2015
Hi Zyondra, You did a great job drawing your "String Art" project. It seem you really like your drawing class I hope you are having a great week. Take care. Love Grandma Sandy
-- Grandma Sandy
- on May 27, 2015
Hi Zyondra, You did a nice drawing of Festival. You have nice soft colors in your drawing. Keep up the good work in your Art Class. Hugs and kisses, Grandma Sandy
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 29, 2015
Good job. Looks like spring is coming at last. Love, Bill & Lynn
-- Lynn & Bill
- on April 28, 2015
Hi zyondra, Just finish skyping you 1 hour ago. Now I"m on my computer and found the nice art work you did called Festival. It was posted on Artdonia. You certainly have a nice drawing and beautiful colors in your art work this year. KEEP UP THAT WORK YOU ARE DOING IN ART CLASS!!! We are proud of you. HUGS & KISSES, Granm and Grandps
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 21, 2015
Awesome job Za. I love the flowers. Love you, Mom
- on April 18, 2015
Looks awesome
-- Julie
- on April 18, 2015
Great work, Zyondra! Taking care of our earth is VERY important. Have fun on Earth Day.
-- Lynn & Bill
- on April 18, 2015
This is just beautiful, Za!
-- Lynn
- on April 2, 2015
Cool and beautiful butterfly Zyondra. Very nice creation. Love you, Mom
- on April 1, 2015
Hi Zyondra, What a wonderful surprise when I opened my computer this afternoon. I found a picture drawing of your spring butterfly. You certainly drew a neat picture, Keep up the great work you are doing. Hope you are having a good week. HUGS and KISS, Granm and Grandpa .
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 2, 2015
Hi Zyondra, I like the picture of fish in the water. You really a doing great job in you drawings. Keep it up. Always like to see what you are doing in your art class. Hope you have a great week. It rained and snow so we got iced on all the trees and driveway. Hugs and love, Grandma Sandy
-- Grandma Sandy
- on March 27, 2015
Awesome melting snowman Za. Love mom
-- Debra
- on March 14, 2015
Hi Zyondra, I saw your picture of a snowman. I think you did a nice picture of was melting snowman away. Keep up the great job in your art class,, Hope to see more pictures soon. Grandpa sunny day and temperature s 61 degrees out side . Thanks for your letter you wrote. Nice to here from you. Hugs & Kisses Grandma and Grandpa Peanut
-- Sandy(grandma)
- on March 14, 2015
Hi Zyondra, Just wanted to tell you that the last 4 drawings you did are really very nice. The texture picture, snow man, owl and bird drawing are all very good. Keep up the great work you are doing. It was nice skypting with you on Saturday. We love you. Hugs and kisses. Grandma Sandy
-- Grandma Sandy
- on January 27, 2015
Nice work Za, it has lots of cool colors and design to it. Love you, Mom
- on January 8, 2015
We like it! Lots of texture and color!
-- Lynn & Bill
- on January 8, 2015
Very cool Santa! Merry Christmas, Za! Love, Aunt Uncle Bill & Aunt Lynn
-- Lynn
- on December 31, 2014
Za this is really cool. I love it, maybe we can get it framed. Please save it and keep it nice.
- on December 23, 2014
Great work, Za! You're getting better and better.
-- Lynn
- on December 16, 2014
Zyondra enjoyed some of the pictures in the book and was inspired to make this dot artwork using drawing materials so she could make a frame around her dots, like the swirly gold frame that was mentioned in the book. Great work Zyondra!!
- Keriann (teacher at Chileda) on September 18, 2014
We like all of your art work, especially the one with the one with the two hands and this one. Keep up the good work. Lynn & Bill
-- Lynn
- on September 11, 2014
I love it Zyondra. You did a great job regarding the detail in this project. Keep up the good work.
-- Debra
- on September 9, 2014
Way to go Zyondra. Your art work is wonderful. You are so creative. Keep up the good work.
-- Debra
- on September 2, 2014
Hi Zyondra, Your picture of of the two hands was was really neat. I think people who are colored or white can be Friends. Nice job !!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on August 29, 2014
Awesome art work Za. I love you. Love Mom
-- Debra
- on August 27, 2014
Hi Zyondra, I think you are doing a great job in your art work. Keep up the good work. I viewed all your art work this morning also send them on Email to John and Sandy, Kayla, Kristin and Drake, Daleand Lisa and Jill & Jeff. Hope you have a great week and will talk to you soon. Love Grandma and Grandpa
-- Grandma / Grandpa
- on August 27, 2014
We always knew you had great art talent. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma / Grandpa
- on August 27, 2014
Especially like the brightly colored pictures. Love, Lynn & Bill
-- Lynn
- on May 25, 2014
Really neat - Just like You!
-- Grandma/Pa
- on May 10, 2014
Awesome artwork Zyondra. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
-- Debra
- on May 3, 2014