Joel2543's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Joel2543's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are really doing great Joel! Love you, Nana Karen
-- Karen
- on May 29, 2015
Joel, we love your Cheetah picture. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you soon. Uncle Ward and Aunt Lin
-- Ward
- on May 11, 2015
Love the 3D perspective, Joel. Excellent work. So proud of you. Uncle Ward
-- Ward
- on March 30, 2015
You are really doing great Joel! Nana Karen
-- Karen
- on October 18, 2014
Thanks for the tree and other artwork, Joel. Keep up the great work. We love it.
-- Ward
- on October 18, 2014
Great work Joel, keep up the excellence! Nana Karen
-- Karen
- on August 26, 2014
Hey Joel. A blue reptile is cool. If I were to name the pic, I'd call it Blue on Blue. Keep up the great work, following your mom and grandpa.
-- Ward
- on August 8, 2014
Keep it up, Joel. I am enjoying your art work!
-- Uncle W
- on June 28, 2014
Joel, We love your art work. Wow. Mixed media and 3D is so cool. We are so proud of you. Love, Uncle Ward
-- Ward
- on April 26, 2014
Good work Joel. Up, Up and away!
-- Poppa & Grammy
- on April 26, 2014
Joel you are doing great with your art work. I am so proud of you. Soon you will be as good as Papa Joe!!!
-- Karen
- on March 19, 2014