Brighton98's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Brighton98's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love her artwork! Have her artwork cover on my phone.
-- Bill
- on December 13, 2017
Love the 2 chairs in the parlor. Nice lines of symmetry and good use of color - yellow and blue.
-- Kendra
- on October 31, 2016
Amazing effect of black to emphasize shadows. Nice apple; like the green color
-- Kendra
- on October 12, 2016
Excellent work w/your shading. Using black vs. white adds depth and contrast. Nice shading effect on the pitcher.
-- Kendra
- on October 12, 2016
Good job on the planets. In particular I like the shading you used. Gives a good illusion of darkness. And love the man, too!
-- Kendra
- on October 12, 2016
Nice job on the animals. Like the lion's color and the trees, especially the one in the foreground.
-- Kendra
- on October 12, 2016
Brighton, we are proud of you and your art- great!
-- GrandmotherandPapa
- on October 12, 2016
Brighton, this was a very well done picture. We liked the distinct colors.
-- Grammy and Grandpa
- on October 31, 2016
This certainly is a pretty petunia. I also like the green background.
-- Grandpa
- on October 31, 2016
We like your bright colors.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on December 13, 2017
We have enjoyed all of your art work. This one is especially nice.
-- Grammy & Grandpa
- on December 13, 2017
I worked hard to make curved lines on the waves. I think my top wave turned out best and shows the most curves. I like how the blue is dark. - Brighton
- on September 27, 2015
I like the cool colors of the background; I used watercolors for that part. I used pastels to make the leaves and chose orange, red, yellow for warm colors. This is my favorite painting so far.
- on September 27, 2015
I like the movement of the waves and especially can see the foam on the edges.
- on September 27, 2015
Great work! Brighton, we love your work!
-- Grandmother and Papa
- on September 27, 2015
Brighton, great job! We are so proud of you!
-- Grandmother and Papa Webb
- on September 27, 2015
Dear Brighton, What a beautiful wave! I love your bright blue color. When I look at your picture, I can image what it would be like to be standing on the beach and having that big wave coming at me! You put a lot of action into that wave. Keep up your great work in art class. You must have a wonderful teacher to give you a chance to do something like that in her class. I am looking forward to your next work of art! Lots of love, Grammy Pillsbury
-- Grammy
- on September 27, 2015
Love it!
-- Papa Bill
- on September 27, 2015
Love the bright colors!
- on December 5, 2014
I love your Starry Night! Very colorful and unique with pastels. Can't wait to see your work at the art show
- on December 5, 2014
Brighton, You have given joy to us today and brightened our lives! We loved every one of your drawings. Thank you for sharing with us and we look forward to many more delightful artsy things! Love you! Grandpa and Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 5, 2014
Nice job on your shading with the house and the tree. Great work!
-- Mom
- on February 19, 2014