Thomas10433's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Thomas10433's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Thomas 10433. I have been watching artsonia for your art, they are all really nice I'm having a a hard time choosing my favorite
-- Thomas E.
- on May 27, 2014
Good job Tommy, another kewl piece:)... But... Ok Picasso, what does it mean? Did you do this just to scramble our brains like eggs? :) hmmmm, why a half blue and half red face... Standing in the road in the pale moon light... Is he in the middle of the road with red being anger and blue being calm and cool in other words representing a very we'll balanced fellow? Or, is he on the road to discovery to understand these emotions and is coming into the light just like Plato's prisoners in the allegory of the cave?!! Great, and provocative piece Tommy, keep up the good work!
-- Richard
- on May 27, 2014
Your chalk pastel drawing was one of the best. Many parents and students loved your sketch, smooth blending and attention to detail. Like I've said before, you should really look into taking an advance Art class now and enroll in Art Schools in the future. Excellent job, especially for a 2nd grader!
-- Ms. Oanes
- on May 27, 2014
Keep up the great work Tommy! We all watch for what will pop out of that mind of yours next:D
-- Richard
- on May 14, 2014
Great!! I'm a big fan! The dessert landscape is beautiful! Excellent use of color!
-- Michelle
- on March 22, 2014
The weaving is cool... but heeeeeeey who did the fore-shortening in the desert scape for you;) Niiiiiiice.
-- Richard
- on March 21, 2014
Good job weaving ! I think the desert scape is the one I like the best, keep up the good art work you are very creative. I would love to see more of your art.
-- Thomas E.
- on March 21, 2014