Mikayla2945's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Mikayla2945's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is so so good Mikayla. I love the movement in the piece. It really keeps me interested. I can't stop looking. It is like there is a story to tell and I am drawn in.
-- Monica
- on May 28, 2014
Lots of blues on this one! Very fun!
-- Mandy
- on March 26, 2014
Dear Mikayla, you have nice balance in your art work and I like how you balanced the black with the other colors. I can tell you put alot of hard work and effort to do this project. I like how it is so claen and I can tell what it is because it has a nice shape. The cat has a nice proportion of the page so you see the animal and the animal print.
-- Chloe
- on March 15, 2014
dear mikayla your artwork always looks so cool and Im not saying that because your my friend Im saying it because I think the lines fit together very well.
-- Alexa
- on March 15, 2014
Do you name your art work? Meow!
-- Mandy
- on February 10, 2014
Thank you for inviting us to join - I love the colours too!
-- Stephanie
- on February 7, 2014
I like the colors you used!
-- Mandy
- on February 6, 2014