Noah13657's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Noah13657's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You're so good Noah!!! Love looking at your work!
-- Emily
- on March 1, 2016
-- Emily
- on March 1, 2016
I love it!! Good job Noah!!
-- Emily
- on March 1, 2016
Noah, I love the bedroom you created!! I would love to have that in my house!!
-- Margaret
- on March 1, 2016
This one is another favorite!!
-- Margaret
- on March 1, 2016
Noah, I Love your new artwork! I really Love abstract paintings and you!! Keep up the good work, it's great! Nana
-- Margaret
- on March 1, 2016
?s??a ls??? ????!!
- on April 22, 2015
I love the beautiful heart, it shows to me that there are many places in your heart for all kind of love for people and things. I love it and you!!!
-- Margaret
- on April 22, 2015
Great work Noah!
-- Emily
- on February 17, 2015
I love this picture Noah,I have always wanted to the Northern Lights and now I can see them anytime I want because of your beautiful art work!!
-- Margaret
- on February 17, 2015