Hunter11984's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Hunter11984's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! Great job Hunter, this is a beautiful picture! I am very proud of all your hard work in your art class. I can see you becoming more and more expressive with your art projects. Keep up the great job! Can't wait to frame them all :) xoxo love you, Mom :)
- on April 15, 2015
Hunter, I really like your pictures. You may grow up to be an artist one of these days. I would be happy to have you hang some of your pictures up at my house. Love you, Grama Nancy
-- Nancy
- on April 15, 2015
Amazing Job Hunter boo! You are very talented. I am very proud of you;)
- on April 3, 2015
Awesome job, Hunter boo. You are very talented. I love the bright color's. Very proud of you. :) xoxo love mom <3
- on March 18, 2015
I really love all the colors and details in this work of art. Great job.
- on January 7, 2015
Great job capturing the storyline. :) You are an amazing artist.
- on January 7, 2015
Looks so life like. Great job! I love the blue colors.
- on January 7, 2015
Just so much talent little man. Very proud of you. Great job! ;) Keep up the great job. I love seeing all these awesome works of art.
- on January 7, 2015
I still have at least 3 of these beautiful works of Art! :) Way to go little man :) You are very talented.
- on January 7, 2015
I can tell you took your time and focused on your drawing. Very bright colors, and lots of shapes. So very proud of you Hunter! Great job!
- on January 7, 2015
I am very proud of you Hunter, great artistic talents. :) I love all the details.
- on January 7, 2015