Madison, This is very creative and interesting! I love the way you made a picture out of the different shapes using your imagination! I think this is my favorite because it shows how creative you are! You should do another like this, I am very proud of you keep it up!!! Miss You Sweetheart & I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Love DAD -- Daddy
- on July 24, 2015
Madison, This picture is nicely shaded. I really enjoy getting your artwork! Keep up the good work, I give you an A+ You can shade with colors in drawings or sketches also. I hope to get more of your art soon. Love You Sweetheart, Love DAD! -- Daddy
- on April 15, 2015
Hi Madison! I love your pictures. Your are very talented! Love you, Grandma Debbie -- Debbie
- on April 15, 2015
Dear Madison, I really think your doing great! Please keep up the great artwork. Do you ever make pictures of or paintings of landscapes? If you ever have the opportunity maybe you can draw the mountains or something like that for me! I would love to get anything you could make for me. I think your a great artist, I really like it when you put it on here so I can see your work! I cant wait to see your next project keep up the good work!!! Warm Regards, I Love You, Love Dad! -- Dad
- on January 14, 2015
Wow! Looks Great sweetheart! I cant wait to see more. -- Daddy
- on July 16, 2014
Madison your art is GREAT!! I just found out you had this.. I am so proud of you ! Keep sending me your work and I love you so much. I tried calling you back after you left a message ? I called Mom's phone twice please call me soon and I love you sweetheart keep up the great work! XOXO...........Love Daddy -- Dad [Travis]