Erika2127's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Erika2127's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Erika, Your artwork has improved so much! I really like the heart inside the star, because the heart means love:) We are so proud of you sweetie!
-- Mimi & Grandaddy
- on November 5, 2014
Love your artwork Erika!
-- Mimi
- on February 3, 2014
Good Job Sweetie!
-- Aunt Debbie
- on February 3, 2014
Awesome picture! I love it! We can put it on a t-shirt!! ;-)
-- Tracy
- on January 29, 2014
Great job Erika! Xoxo, Kellie
-- Kellie
- on January 29, 2014
Beautiful work Erika!!! How much do you want for it?
-- Casey
- on January 29, 2014
Beautiful job Erika!!! How much do you want for it?
-- Casey
- on January 29, 2014
Awesome job, it's beautiful. You must know about houses if you are a Garcia! Henry & Debbie
-- Debbie
- on January 29, 2014
This is awesome! Very creative.
-- Brad
- on January 29, 2014
Great job Erika! We love you!!
-- Mommy
- on January 23, 2014