Noel681's Comments (76)

View Noel681's portfolio
Below are comments about Noel681's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice Noel!
-- Vijayalakshmi
- on November 15, 2017
Wonderful Holiday Card, Noel!!
-- Titus
- on November 9, 2017
Good work Noel!
-- Titus
- on November 9, 2017
Good Job, Noel!!
-- Titus
- on June 5, 2017
nice color combo!
-- Hari
- on March 15, 2017
Nice work!! You have a good taste of picking nice colors.
-- Hari
- on December 21, 2016
Good Color Combination....Noel
-- Hari
- on December 21, 2016
Excellent Noel !!!!! Keep it up
-- Joselinejyls
- on March 24, 2016
Nice Noel
-- Vijayalakshmi
- on January 14, 2015
Excellent !!! Keep it up
-- Joseline jyls
- on May 17, 2014
Good one Noel!!! Keep it up.
-- Titus
- on May 16, 2014
Excellent work and color combination and finishing is very good. Keep it up.
-- Titus
- on March 14, 2014
Very nice Noel....
-- Vijayalakshmi
- on March 4, 2014
You are a great little artist Noel .Good job
-- Aldo kigin
- on February 26, 2014
Great job Noel !!!!Love it
-- Fatima
- on February 15, 2014
Looks great. Nice work Noel .
-- Jyls
- on February 14, 2014
Good work Noel...
-- Titus
- on February 14, 2014
Awesome picture.good job Noel
-- Fatima
- on February 10, 2014
WoW... Good thinking and good art..Noel
-- Hari
- on February 9, 2014
Nice work Noel.
-- Hari
- on February 9, 2014
Good 1.
-- Hari
- on February 9, 2014
Beautiful picture. Good work Noel .
-- Jyls
- on February 5, 2014
Good work Noel...looks pretty.
-- Titus
- on February 5, 2014
Good job Noel
-- Lavanya
- on January 20, 2014
Your picture is amazing
-- Jacobraj
- on January 20, 2014
Looking good
-- Fatima
- on January 21, 2014
Nice art .keep it up
-- Aldo
- on January 20, 2014
Good art
-- JacobRaj
- on January 14, 2014
Very good Work ...
- on January 12, 2014
Nice Art Work
- on January 12, 2014
Very Good Art Work...
- on January 12, 2014
Very nice art work... effect of shadow is nice..
- on January 12, 2014
Good Art... Ready to fly..
- on January 12, 2014
Very nice art Noel.. Good Work..
- on January 12, 2014
Very nice arts noel...
- on January 12, 2014
Nice job on all of your artwork! You should choose one of your favorite pieces and enter it into the MidWest One Bank contest. The information about the art contest should have been sent home from your classroom teacher. If not, ask me for a form to enter next week. Keep up the great work!
-- Mrs. S
- on January 12, 2014
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
Exellent art.
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
Exellent art
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
Well done Noel. It is a very beautiful picture. Tha colour combination and other details are Perfect.waiting to see more picture.
-- Latha
- on January 12, 2014
Awesome art !!!!!!
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
Nice .keep it up
-- Aldokigin
- on January 12, 2014
Good work
-- Aldokigin
- on January 12, 2014
Horse... learn ride too :) Very good drawing. ..
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Noel.. This reminds me when I was kid I saw many Chics.. was exactly same n same color. Very nice.
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Good background. Good pic.
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Nice job Noel.
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Good pick to draw. Nice Nice work
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Great job. Keep up Noel
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Noel... great work. You ll become great artist when you grow up
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Noel we need this on our wall. Very very nice work
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Noel, we need more n more of these to see. Let us know when you post. You are smart kid.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
great job, keep it up Noel.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
Nice work Noel.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
Good job.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
nice portrait. Angel blesses you.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
This one is on the wall. too good work.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
nice work.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
Good colors used. fish really looks like swimming!!! good job.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
Noel, you have good talent. keep it up.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
One Day ... you ll build real one.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
very nice work .. Noel, keep it up.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
Noel good work.
-- srujana
- on January 11, 2014
This is a true piece of pleasant work.
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Jr . Scientist as an Artist
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Noel... good job
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
WoW ... Noel you did splendid work. Keep it up
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Very nice work Noel
-- Hari
- on January 11, 2014
Awesome art
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
-- Aldo kigin
- on January 11, 2014
Excellent Noel
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
-- Fatima
- on January 13, 2014
Excellent art work Noel :)
-- Vijayalakshmi
- on January 11, 2014
Good .very nice
-- Joseline Jyls
- on January 11, 2014
Good Job Noel!!!
-- Titus
- on January 11, 2014