Very abstract, nice blend of colors and shapes, keep the creative pictures coming. -- Bapa
- on December 27, 2017
Great picture, lots of color, can't see any Angry Birds. Keep up the good work. -- Bapa
- on June 14, 2017
great use of colors, looks like squid ink pasta with meat balls with red sauce and fresh basil not sure about the carrots stings on top. -- Bapa
- on June 14, 2017
Dahnovan that is a beautiful piece of art! Next time we're together I want you to tell me how you did that! -- Rita
- on June 14, 2017
Dahnovan this is one of your most creative pieces yet! Great job! Love it! -- Grammie -- Lynn
- on June 14, 2017
should have known, Angry Birds, he does love them, draws them all the time. -- Bapa
- on April 26, 2017
I love this one! Always angry birds in the mix, but this is very creative! Great job buddy! -- Leah
- on March 9, 2017
Very creative Dahnovan, kind of Modern Art I would say, interesting name too. I enjoy seeing your art work. -- Bapa
- on January 11, 2017
Wow, D. your art work is great, nice colors. you have added a lot of pictures since I last looked, keep up the good work, I have the picture hanging in my home office that you drew and colored for my birthday present. -- Bapa
- on January 11, 2017
you have me puzzled on this one, what is the name of this piece of art?. -- Bapa
- on January 11, 2017
The amount of colors and shapes says you see how things around you are different -- Bapa
- on January 11, 2017
This must be a picture of Daddy's fish tank, great use of color -- Bapa
- on January 11, 2017
Such great detail on your play ground view, maybe when you come to visit you could do a project of Bapas Gardens -- Bapa
- on January 11, 2017
Hmmm, Very interesting I must say will have to have D tell me what this is. nice colors -- Bapa
- on January 31, 2016
Was this one done at Christmas time?. good job of staying with in the lines, -- Bapa
- on January 31, 2016
I had not seen this one, What does D call it?. -- Bapa
- on January 31, 2016
makes me think of summer and playing in the pool. -- Bapa
- on January 31, 2016
That's my buddy, just hanging out with his Angry Birds, Full of color, keep up the great work -- Bapa
- on January 31, 2016
Wow! You are so talented. I love viewing your artwork. Keep up the creative work! -- Aunt Teresa
- on January 31, 2016
A quick note To my Little Buddy, I really enjoy seeing your art work, lots of bright colors and clear images. -- Bapa
- on January 31, 2016
Quite the artist!!! You do such a great job Dahnovan!!!! -- Nana
- on November 18, 2015
Excellent colors. This is really cool. -- Bumpa
- on November 18, 2015
I like the imagination. I can't pick my favorite picture. They are all so creative. You should be very proud of yourself. -- Bumpa
- on November 18, 2015
Dahnovan - I love all of the pictures. They honestly are outstanding. You really are talented. -- Bumba