Charles4684's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Charles4684's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Charles, Andy Warhol was an American artist known for Pop Art. These pictures POP with color. Good job. Keep the artwork coming. Love, Mom Mom
-- Mom Mom
- on April 23, 2014
Charles, I love the colors you used in this drawing. Good job!
-- Mom
- on April 9, 2014
Hi Charles, This looks like a pinwheel with all the colors. It could become a pizza if you were to add the pepperoni circles. Nice job. Love, Mom Mom
-- Mom Mom
- on April 2, 2014
Hi CD, looks like your hands gave this bird a beautiful wing span. Good job. Looks like some of the owls we see hidden in the cactus of Arizona. Keep up the good work. Love, MOM MOM
-- Janet
- on February 21, 2014
Great job buddy, keep up the good work
-- Dad
- on December 22, 2013
Great Job on the insect. Looks like some of the bugs we have at our house.
-- Mom Mom
- on December 7, 2013
Great job Charles! I love the colors you used.
-- Mom
- on December 6, 2013