Gavin7092's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Gavin7092's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Gavin, I love your flowers. I need a big bunch just like them to put in a vase. They are very pretty. Love you, Gramma and Papa
-- Tom & Donna
- on May 12, 2015
I love the feathers! - Mom
- on March 16, 2015
Very colorful birds. I wonder what they would taste like for dinner?
-- Tom
- on March 16, 2015
Gavin, we love your drawing of the birds. What a special touch with the feathers. Great job! Love Gramma and Papa.
-- Tom & Donna
- on March 17, 2015
Gavin, we love your kitty picture. You are so creative! Love, Gramma and Papa
-- Tom & Donna
- on January 24, 2015
Hi Gavin, I love your drawing of the snowy owl. I especially like the tree. Thanks for sharing your picture. Love, Grandma
-- Donna
- on February 26, 2014