What a cute HOO owl. Makes us want to adopt one. -- Grandma & Granpa Unger
- on July 23, 2014
A bit of a DaVini look. -- Grandpa Dale
- on May 13, 2014
I enjoyed viewing your artwork, I'm looking forward to seeing some more of it. Love ,Grandpa Pontz -- Dale
- on May 6, 2014
How imaginative! Great job! -- Grand Ma & Grandpa U
- on March 24, 2014
Ear muffs for the penguin, what a great idea. Maybe the penguin should come to Florida where it's nice and warm. Great art work. -- Grandma & Grandpa Unger
- on December 30, 2013
Michael you are really becoming a fantastic artist! We can't wait to see more. -- Grandma&Grandpa U