I do not see any chainsaw freak, no reason to fear, enjoy the party and the beautiful mountains full of life, papa -- ANDRE
- on November 29, 2017
Check your spelling on your narrative. I like that it's black and white and that she's going to a ball and doesn't notice the chainsaw freak, however; she should probably pay more attention and stay SAFE! -- Mom
- on November 15, 2017
If I buy a T-shirt with this can it be signed/autographed by you? I think it is a "Mood colors" one? -- Ginou
- on November 1, 2017
Belgian flag? -- Ginou
- on November 1, 2017
Mmmm cupcake! Looks delicious! -- Aunt Michelle xo
- on November 1, 2017
Beautiful! Such a cheerful picture! I think this is my favorite one! -- Aunt Michelle xo
- on November 1, 2017
I really like this one! Frame worthy...great job Kaya :) -- Cassie
- on October 23, 2017
another beauty! -- Andre Papa
- on October 23, 2017
Silver lake? ;) -- mom
- on October 23, 2017
Great job Kaya , looking forward for more art. Love , Mimi -- Ginou
- on October 11, 2017
Great job Kaya! Love it! Xo -- Michelle
- on September 27, 2017
This looks very interesting. Why is it called a color wheel? Does it move? I like the picture. Reminds me of Autumn. -- mom
- on September 27, 2017
Very nice again. Simple and still expressive! Keep doing it, Papa. -- Papa
- on September 27, 2017
I love all the pieces. That girl got talent! Continue! -- Papa
- on September 20, 2017
Beautiful lion Kaya! I look forward to more of your artwork! Aunt Michelle xo -- Aunt Mchelle
- on September 20, 2017
The black bearded lyon...ROAR! -- Mom
- on September 15, 2017
This one is cool <3 From when you were little! ;) -- Mom
- on September 15, 2017
Wonderful! You are becoming a very talented young lady :) -- Cassie