That is a cool picture Tyler.. Keep up with the good work :) -- Laura
- on May 12, 2016
Is that 5 Nights at Feeddy's???? Love you very much!!!!-Mommy -- Mom
- on May 10, 2016
Great use of a bright color(Orange) to make your picture pop. -- Tiffany
- on April 13, 2016
Awesome job Tyler. Love seeing your skills develop. Keep up the great work! -- Tiffany
- on April 13, 2016
Way to go tyler:) Awesome picture... -- Laura
- on April 13, 2016
I really like this one son!!! :) Totally awesome!! -- Mommy
- on April 12, 2016
Tyler your works are so cool! I want one for my room! I like how you used the red and yellow together in this one. Love Emily -- Emily
- on March 16, 2016
Amazing job Tyler! This is one of my favorite paintings. You did excellent, continue to do art because we are so curious to see how far your skills will go. We believe you have a real talent here bud! -- Tiffany & Carlos
- on March 13, 2016
Good job Tyler. I like all the colors you used.keep up the good work love you -- Teresa
- on March 13, 2016
That is a awesome picture tyler... Keep up with the good work!! -- Laura
- on March 13, 2016
WOW! This is awesome son! Your chameleon looks so real and you used so many vibrant colors in this picture. I' am proud of you and I love you!!! -- Mom
- on March 13, 2016
Ooo I love the pink you chose for this picture! :) I love seeing your works of art and I'am proud of you Son!!!! Love you!!! :) -- Mom
- on December 19, 2015
Such a unique creation Son! -- Mom
- on December 19, 2015
LOVE LOVE LOVE! This picture makes me happy the instant I see it :) I have it hung up in the kitchen so I can see it every day :) I love you!!! -- Mom
- on December 19, 2015
Excellent work! -- Aunt Angela
- on December 19, 2015
Good job tyler :) Keep up with your creative mind.. -- Laura
- on December 17, 2015
I love the colors that you chose! Wonderful work! I love you!!!-Mommy
- on May 23, 2015
Good job Tyler. . Aweome :) -- laura
- on May 23, 2015
Tyler I ordered a cup with this picture on the side of my cup. I am so excited can't wait to get it while I am having my coffee or Tea I have your drawling on my own personal cup. Keep up your great Artwork. Love you, Great Grandma. -- Joy
- on May 4, 2015
Great job Tyler I like your art. Can't wait to see more! -- grandpa
- on May 4, 2015
hi Tyler I love your flowers I can smell them from here love and miss you grandma -- Grandma
- on May 4, 2015
Yup that's my Very Talented Nephew! -- Meliisa
- on May 3, 2015
Hi Tyler! This is a GREAT drawing. I love the flowers they are so colorful. They look like pretty flowers you would pick for your mother. Keep up the good artwork, I always enjoy seeing it. Love you lots. -- Aunt Diane
- on May 2, 2015
Tyler, Great Grandma has been checking out your Artwork and you are doing so good. I hope you are having as much fun drawling as I am getting to see what you come up with...Love you much. -- Joy
- on May 2, 2015
Good job Tyler :) -- Laura
- on April 6, 2015
How awesome Tyler! I think you have found some talent in you buddy. Keep it up and don't quit. If you love it, pursue it with all your heart! I love you and Miss you dearly! Aunt Aleshia :0 -- Alesia
- on March 13, 2015
Awesome! -- Mark
- on March 13, 2015
Tyler Love your choice of colors for this drawing, brightens my day. We love you. Keep up the good work. We enjoy seeing your art work. -- Joy
- on March 13, 2015
This is so cool Tyler! Awesome job! -- Emily
- on March 13, 2015
Love it ! Great job! -- Tina
- on March 13, 2015
Hi Tyler! I can't believe what a good artist you are! You have improved so much over this past year with your drawing and coloring! The artwork you do is totally awesome! -- Aunt Diane
- on March 12, 2015
Way to go buddy keep up the good job love you aunt Teresa -- Teresa
- on March 12, 2015
Nice job Tyler! I love your artwork! -- Aunt Sheila
- on March 12, 2015
Hi Tyler Just showed Gregory all your artwork.. His response "Tyler drew all these".. Great job bud.. -- Gregory
- on March 12, 2015
Great job Tyler :) Keep up with the great artwork.. I love them all.. -- laura
- on March 12, 2015
This one is my favorite Tyler! -- Andrew
- on March 12, 2015
Tyler, you are AMAZING! I love you! -- Aunt Angela
- on March 12, 2015
Good work lil man :) Keep it up ! -- delia
- on March 12, 2015
We love you and we love your creative artwork Tyler!!! You are the best son ever- Mom & Dad -- Misty
- on March 11, 2015
Hy Tyler! WOW this is my favorite picture of yours so far. You are very talented. I hope you continue drawing and posting them on this website. i know your mom and dad are very proud of you, but you should be proud of yourself too! I know I am proud of you and look forward to seeing moe of your artwork. I love you -- Aunt Diane
- on March 4, 2015
Great job Tyler! -- mark
- on March 4, 2015
WONDERFUL picture son!!!! You rock!!!
- on March 3, 2015
Tyler this is my favorite picture. I love all of the colors you used on it You are very creative. I can't wait to see your next picture! Lots of Love -- Aunt Diane
- on October 28, 2014
This one is my favorite too grandma!!! :) it goes up every year with our chirstmas decorations:)-mommy
- on October 23, 2014
This one is my favorite, I love it!! It looks like you are working very hard, way to go! -- Aunt Angela
- on October 23, 2014
this is my favorite one! -- Grandma
- on October 23, 2014
Nice! Good job - Love grandma -- Grandma
- on October 23, 2014
Awesome art work Tyler! I'll see you on thanksgiving. Love you- -- Andrew
- on October 22, 2014
wow what great art work! Cant wait to show grandma! Keep up the good work Tyler we love you. Grandpa -- Grandpa
- on October 22, 2014
Tyler Mommy loves your creative fantastic art! I love you! -- Misty