This is nice! It makes me wish I was at the beach.
- Leah on April 23, 2020
This is one of my favorites!
- Leah on April 23, 2020
This is cute! Nice job.
- Leah on April 23, 2020
What a cute little mousey! Love aunt Brenda
- Brenda on April 23, 2020
A beautiful pizzazzy flower! Aunt Brenda
- Brenda on April 23, 2020
Love Love Love your Sculpture! Aunt Brenda
- Brenda on April 23, 2020
Super cute B! -- Carly
- on April 23, 2020
Awesome job B!! -- Carly
- on April 23, 2020
Hello Brooke! I LOVE your super hero Kitty! Love, Aunt Brenda -- Aunt Brenda
- on April 23, 2020
That's one cool owl! -- Leah
- on April 23, 2020
That's one happy candy corn! Happy Halloween! -- Leah
- on April 23, 2020
What a colorful dragon! He must breathe rainbows! -- Leah
- on April 23, 2020
Super Brookie! -- Leah
- on April 23, 2020
What a cute monster! I like his teeth. -- Leah
- on April 23, 2020
Wow Brooke! I love super kitty! Nice job! -- Leah
- on April 23, 2020
Dear Brookie, I love your perfect, beautiful pumpkin artwork!. Pumpkins are such lovely, happy things' just like you! Love Aunt Brenda -- Brenda
- on April 23, 2020
Brooke - What happy pumpkins you have! I hope your Halloween was scary fun and full of jaw-breaking sticky-sweet tooth rotting candy! You can send me all the kinds you don't like! I especially love candy corn - hint-hint wink-wink! -- Sandy
- on April 23, 2020
Beautiful weaving work. Keep it up looks great. -- Uncle Dan
- on April 23, 2020
Wow Brooke! I'm pretty sure this would look great on the walls of the Museum of Modern Art! Nice work and great capture of Keith Haring's style! LOVE IT! <3 Mom -- Mom
- on April 6, 2017
Love the art Brooke very beautiful. Excellent colors. -- Uncle Dan
- on April 6, 2017
Love the pic Brooke those are some great penguins. -- Uncle Dan
- on April 6, 2017
Hey B!! I LOVE your's so bright and colorful! I can't wait to display it on the wall in the dinning room for all to see! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on February 3, 2017
Hi Brooke - how colourful this is! And just in time for Valentine's Day - Happy L-O-V-E Day to you! Hugs girlie! -- Aunt Sandy
- on February 3, 2017
Brooke - Very colourful castle! Hmmm, do we have fairies living in there? Princesses? Or Gnomes and evil-doers! Where's the dragon to ward off all who dare come near? Oh I'd love to hear the story that goes with this fine piece of artwork! Great job! Love Aunt Sandy -- Aunt Sandy
- on February 3, 2017
Hey B!! LOVE this castle...makes me want to go and visit...are there any rooms available?!? lol Great job, Brooke... I always love seeing the new things you make! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on December 14, 2016
Happy Halloween!!! Love the little eyes Brooke. -- Uncle Dan
- on December 14, 2016
Hey B! I love your Halloween scene...especially the eyeballs in the hill....veerryyy creepppyy!! Can't wait to get it home to display it in the dinning room! Love MOM -- Mom
- on December 14, 2016
Great job Brooke. Love the bride of Frankenstein hair. -- Dan
- on December 14, 2016
I absolutely LOVE your Ms Frankenstein monster...very Halloweenie!! Love the hair too!! Love Mom -- Christina
- on October 19, 2016
Love the dancing giraffe, B! That is quite a feat...and a happy giraffe too! Love Mom -- Christina
- on October 19, 2016
Thats a great alien Brooke love the stars in the background. -- Uncle Dan
- on October 19, 2016
What a happy penguin Brooke - SO adorable - like you! Hugs! Love Aunt Sandy -- Aunt Sandy
- on February 12, 2016
Great snowman Brooke. Love the hat and scarf. Love it. -- Uncle Dan
- on February 12, 2016
That's a great elf on a shelf Brooke. Great job very beautiful. -- Uncle Dan
- on February 12, 2016
Brooke, Another great piece of art! Love the eyes on your little critter (and the tail is cute too)!!! -- Aunt Can
- on February 12, 2016
Wow Brooke! This is a great piece and love the happy smile on this ghost!! Great job! -- Aunt Can
- on February 12, 2016
Love the ghost Brooke. Great job. -- Uncle Dan
- on February 12, 2016
Wow Brooke - cool racoon! I love him so cute! -- Aunt Sandy
- on November 4, 2015
Awesome job B! Looks so cute !! -- Carly
- on November 4, 2015
Hey, Beastie! LOVE IT!! ?? Nice job with the colors ...I can tell it's fall! Love, Mommy!
- on October 26, 2015
I'd like to know more about this character Brooke! Are those bows on her eyeglasses? Or, windshield wipers?? -- Aunt Sandy
- on October 7, 2015
Very cool Brooke I love it. The bee is great. -- Uncle Dan
- on October 7, 2015
Brooke! What an amazing picture. I love the bright sunny yellow background and the happy Bee!! Great work! -- Aunt Can
- on October 7, 2015
I LOVE it!!! Luv, Mom. :0) -- mom
- on May 5, 2015
How cute! -- Emmy
- on May 5, 2015
Brooke - Amazing picture and love the swirling sky!! You go little artist. -- Aunt Can
- on April 9, 2015
Brookie - Love this picture! So nice to see some pretty flowers instead of snow! Great job Love, Aunt Can -- Candece
- on April 9, 2015
Nice job, Brooke! Hopefully we will see some flowers in our yard soon! But they won't be as beautiful! -- Mommy
- on April 9, 2015
Great leprechaun Brooke!!!! Beautiful rainbow. -- Uncle Dan
- on April 9, 2015
Great artwork Brooke very beautiful. -- Uncle Dan
- on February 18, 2015
LOVE IT!! Just in time for Valentines Day! :0) <3 Mom
- on January 18, 2015
very pretty Brooke! you will have to tell me about this drawing when I see you. Love Aunt Sandy -- Sandy
- on September 18, 2014
I LOvE your monster, B!!! -- Mommy
- on February 15, 2014
my favorite color Brook - purple yay! A love hug from me to you! Aunt Sandy -- Aunt Sandy
- on February 13, 2014
Hi Brooke - oh your bear looks so cuddly and happy! I love it! Aunt Sandy -- Aunt Sandy
- on February 13, 2014
Good job Brooke. Love the polar bear. -- Uncle Dan
- on February 13, 2014
Brookie - I love your polar bear. Great job! -- Aunt Can
- on January 28, 2014
Hey Brooke! - Nice Christmas Tree! Are those presents under it for you or for me??? -- Sandy
- on January 10, 2014
Hey, Beastie! Love your snowman! He looks very jolly!!! Love, The Banana Mommy! -- Mommy
- on December 11, 2013
Hi Brooke! that is one happy looking leaf! I love it and wish the leaves in my yard looked so pretty! Love Aunt Sandy -- Sandy
- on November 18, 2013
Nice witch Brooke! Is she the one from the Wizard of Oz?? (I think very good conceptual detail for her age) Love Aunt Sandy -- SANDY
- on November 6, 2013
Hey Beastie! I LOVE your witchie!! Luv- Mom -- Christina