DEVIN6131's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about DEVIN6131's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Devin... I saw your latest work of art today online! It is very good! You have done some very good use of colors and shapes...Keep up the good work! Love, Gramma Nancy
-- Grandma
- on February 6, 2019
Devin, WOW!! This artwork is spectacular. I hadn't seen all these before. Keep it up!! Grampa
-- grampa
- on February 6, 2019
Devin, Your artwork is SPECTACULAR!!!! It is very creative and very well done! My two most favorite colors are blue and yellow, so I like this one a lot! Keep up the good work, Love, Grandma Nancy
-- Grandma
- on December 5, 2018
Devin, This one is really cute! You know how to draw cats and make them smile! It made me smile, too! Love, Grandma Nancy
-- Grandma Nancy
- on November 15, 2017
Devin; Your artwork is GREAT!! You have talent, I can tell! I like the colors and how it tells a story! Will you tell me when I see you next time the whole story??You are very good and creative, and Grampa and I are proud of you!
-- Grandma Nancy
- on November 15, 2017
Devin, This picture of "Wild Things" is very good! I would like you to know that Grampa and I are very proud of you! Keep on doing the fun things in your life, like art and working with colors and shapes! It helps you to keep your brain active and to appreciate the wonderful world around you! Lots of love, Gramma Nancy
-- Grandma
- on May 31, 2016
Devin, Nice work!! Grandpa
-- grandpa
- on February 5, 2016
Devin; This is an especially good one...It has the feeling of fall, and a very intricate leaf that is the symbol of fall all over the world! You are very creative! Love, Gramma Nancy
-- Gramma Nancy
- on February 5, 2016
Devin; I love your latest art work! I shows a lot of creativity, and you can be very proud of yourself!! Grampa and I are so happy to get to see what you are doing in Art class...Keep up the good work! Lots of love, Grampa Paul & Gramma Nancy We love you!
-- Gramma Nancy
- on February 5, 2016
Neat!! Grandpa
-- Paul
- on November 20, 2015
Devin...your portrait of yourself is wonderful! It looks just like you. I hope you are having a good school year, and if you are doing any sports, let us know how that is going? We love you and are proud of you! Gramma Nancy & Grampa Paul
-- Nancy
- on October 27, 2015
Good picture of yourself. Sometime I want you to do a picture of grandpa.
-- Paul
- on October 27, 2015
Devin; Grampa and I like your art work very much! We saw it online today and it is really good!! You have done a great job with the colors and the shapes, and I think you will be an artist if you keep doing the same quality work, and have FUN doing it! Lots of love, Gramma Nancy
-- Nancy
- on May 17, 2015