To my favorite granddaughter. Tin foil man! Very,very nice. Love you, -- Grandpa
- on December 16, 2015
Hi favorite granddaughter. Is that hair or is a big spider eating a zombie? Either way its great art work. Keep them coming. Love you lots!! -- Grandpa
- on December 16, 2015
Hi favorite granddaughter. Is that hair or is a big spider eating a zombie? Either way its a great work of art,as they all are. Keep them coming. Love You Lots!! -- Grandpa
- on December 16, 2015
Hey Chick - this lady is very clever. Love the mean, dark looking spider in the light, sunny setting - now she would have been fun at Halloween!! Love you, -- Grandma Becky
- on December 16, 2015
Oh that was fun!! Took me two tries. Thanks Ms. M Love G. Becky -- Grandma Becky
- on December 16, 2015
Hello Lady, Tis a happy home you have here. I like the furniture showing thru the windows, very clever. Big Hugs and Love, Grandma B -- Becky
- on June 1, 2015
Hey Lady - your spider is hidden well and she looks to have a couple morsels waiting for her. Rather spooky :+0 -- G. Becky
- on June 1, 2015
Hey McKenzie - I do love your color combos - you have a good eye. Love you Lady, GB -- Becky
- on February 1, 2015
Kiddo, this is beautiful - love the dark colors on the bottom, then the white with swirls - good eye!! -- Grandma B
- on February 1, 2015
Hello again, I missed the missing tooth & earrings - really nice detail!! Love you -- G Becky
- on February 1, 2015
Hi McKenzie - very detailed lady, nice job, Love you - GB -- Becky
- on February 1, 2015
very fun kiddo -- Becky
- on November 21, 2014
Hello McKenzie - a nice use of colors, would look great on a t-shirt. Hope all is good, Hugs & Kisses Grandma Becky -- Becky
- on November 21, 2014
McKenzie, this tree is great and your signature is very neat - lady your doing nice work!! Would those be ants or lady bugs? Love You, GB -- Becky
- on November 21, 2014
Hello Mckenzie - both your bold colored spinners are fun. The black dots really set this one off. Stay warm, Love GB -- Becky
- on March 4, 2014
Lady - this is delightful, love the shading from dark green to light. Stay Warm, Love Me -- Becky
- on February 23, 2014
McKenzie: Grandme loves your Taco Fish art! It looks just like a fish and a taco. You are so creative. Keep up the good work. Why don't you make something for me, then I can hang it up, and when people come over I can show them how talented my granddaughter is !!!!!!!! I love you honey. -- Grandma Judie
- on January 15, 2014
McKenzie - your fish is so clever, love it. G.B. -- G. Becky
- on January 15, 2014
McKenzie: I really like your artwork!! You are very creative. I really like the second one (atleast I think it is the second one) - the one that looks like a person with purple feet!!! -- Grandma Judie
- on November 13, 2013
I love all of the eyes that you added to create you shape monster!
- Jess (teacher at Bain Elementary) on November 5, 2013
Ok, Chick this is just too much fun!! Love both postings but this one made me chuckle. -- Becky