Allie2453's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Allie2453's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Allie, I really liked how you used this artwork to draw attention to a real problem in the world. This artwork is very good on its own, but when you look at the deeper meaning, you really start to think about what role you play in the world.
-- Alayna
- on July 6, 2016
I like your artwork. It has so many elements that fit so well together.
-- Sarah
- on July 6, 2016
I like the design on the dress. It is more than it seems to appear as. The foam looked like flowers the first time I saw it.
-- Brendan
- on July 6, 2016
I love how you aded the blue with the black background because it blends together so well and looks really good.
-- Payton
- on July 6, 2016
I like how the texture is blurring out the scenery, so the viewer has to make out what they see. Keep up the good work!
-- Alexander
- on July 6, 2016
This is really cool! I am trying to become good at Photoshop myself, so I am really impressed! nice job!
-- Matthew
- on July 6, 2016
I loved you piece, I love your creativity and thoughts while making this piece!
-- Hannah
- on July 6, 2016
Love the boots!!
- on February 4, 2015
Hi Allie, I am the Art teacher at WMS. I really think you did a great job with the pattern on your scarf and the saying on the mug is perfect! I hope to see you in Art next year at the Middle School! Keep up the creativity!
-- Mrs. Campbell
- on February 4, 2015
I love it!!!!!
-- nana
- on July 23, 2014
Awesome Allie. I love the colors!
-- Nana
- on February 19, 2014
This is phenomenal!!! I really like it.
-- Nana
- on February 4, 2014
I love your picture! Very interesting.
-- Nana
- on February 4, 2014