Gabriela1723's Comments (88)

View Gabriela1723's portfolio
Below are comments about Gabriela1723's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the pattern, you're so talented Gabs!
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
YOU'RE one in a melon!!! LOVE THIS!!!
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
So talented!!
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Love this cup sweetie!!
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
That's lovely!!
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Looks so comfy!!
- Vanessa (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Hi, meu amor
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
Gabi linda do meu coração ?
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
Lindaaaaaaa a bandeira do Brasil! Parabéns Gabi!
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
Que legal lindo esse desenho!!!
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
Que lindoooo!!! Saudades!!! ??????
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
Wow, que lindoooo!!!
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
-- Christinne
- on September 8, 2019
I’m so glad you were having a good, happy day and decided to put it on paper!! Now you can always remember it!! Love, Mama
-- Vanessa
- on September 8, 2019
WOW Gabby!! This is AMAZING!!
-- Vanessa
- on December 5, 2018
YOU are One in a Melon!!! I Love YOU!! mom
-- Vanessa
- on December 5, 2018
Saudades....Proud of you baby!! love, mom
-- Vanessa
- on December 5, 2018
This is beautiful!!
-- Vanessa
- on December 5, 2018
You are the best Sweetie. Love your art work??
-- Shelby
- on December 5, 2018
Lindo desenho baby! Bjo ??
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Lindaaaa borboleta ?? perfeita!! Estou com saudades Gabi ????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Meu Deus ?? Gabriela você está caprichando muitoooo!!!
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Muitooooo lindo baby!!! ????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Ameiiii muitooooooo esse desenho!!! Você é uma artista Gabi!!! Parabéns!!!??????????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Lindos pássaros ?? Gabi!! Parabéns baby!! ????????????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Que gato ?? mais lindooo!!! ????????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Amei este peixe ????????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Wow baby!!! Esta maravilhoso!!! ????
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
OMG ?? que lindaaaaa!!! Bjos da sua tia Chris ??
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Que lindooo Gabi!!! Vc desenha muito bem baby!! ??
-- Christinne
- on December 5, 2018
Amazing job baby!!! Love you
-- Tia Thay
- on December 13, 2017
Babyyy, I love how 3D this is!!! It’s amazing!!! I feel like I’m inside it!!! Great job!!!!
-- Tia Thay
- on December 13, 2017
Lovely birds!!!
-- Vanessa
- on September 12, 2017
Wow Gabby, I love this fish!!!
-- Vanessa
- on September 12, 2017
This is beautiful Gabby!!!
-- Vanessa
- on September 12, 2017
Beautiful artwork Gabi darling. Love ?? it.
-- Shelby
- on September 12, 2017
Gabi darling, your artwork is BEAUTIFUL. Vovó is so proud of you??
-- Shelby
- on April 19, 2017
Very cute!!! What a talented artist you are honey!!! Love, Mom
-- Vanessa
- on November 16, 2016
Cute fox honey!!! Love, Mom
-- Vanessa
- on November 16, 2016
So cool Gabby!!! Love it! Love, Mom
-- Vanessa
- on November 16, 2016
Your art work is beautiful--??????--just like you. Love ?? you.
-- Vovó Shelby
- on November 16, 2016
Love the happy giraffe!!!
-- Marcus
- on June 8, 2016
Mommy and Daddy are so so proud of your achievement honey!!!
-- Marcus
- on June 8, 2016
Love the Expressions!!!!
-- Marcus
- on June 8, 2016
Love this artwork Gabby!!! Keep painting honey!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
I love the expression on your showgirl!!! She looks like she's ready to have some fun!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
Hahaha My favorite dancing giraffe!!!! She looks so happy!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
Cute fox!!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
Love the details honey! You are a great artist!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
I love this cat!!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
Lovely scarecrow!!!!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
I could not be any more proud of you for your award Gabby!!!! What a great artist you are!!!! LOVE!
-- Vanessa
- on June 8, 2016
Lindoooo Saroca!!! Saudades!
-- Christinne
- on February 10, 2016
Lindooooo Gabi!!! Saudades!!
-- Jane
- on February 10, 2016
Groovy Gabby's Giraffe!!!
-- Dad
- on April 17, 2015
Lindoooo Gabi!!! Amei essa girafa!!! Quero um pra mim!!! Amo você Gabi!!! Bjos. Tia Chris.
-- Christinne
- on April 17, 2015
Lindo minha boneca!! Você está de Parabéns!!! Amo você! Beijos, tia Chris!????????????
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Lindo desenho Gabi!! Saudades, tia Chris. ????
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Que lindo, Gabi! Parabéns, minha princesa! Beijos, tia Chris. ????
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Que lindo!!! Gabi, você é uma artista maravilhosa! Parabéns!!! Tia Chris.
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Maravilhoso!! Muito lindo! Saudades! Tia Chris.??????
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Muito lindo!!! Beijos, tia Chris. ????
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Gabi, você é uma artista! Parabéns! Saudades! Tia Chris.
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Lindo!!! Amo você, Gabi! Tia Chris.
-- Christinne
- on March 15, 2015
Gabriela, What a beautiful snowmen!!!! I love all the details and it looks like you had a lot of fun creating it!!! I am very proud of all your hard work! You are such a great artist!!! Love, Your proud Mommy
-- Vanessa
- on March 15, 2015
Lovely teddy, just as cute as you!!!! Love, Mom
- on November 3, 2014
I want it!!!! Soooo beautiful!!! Great job honey!!! Love, Mom
- on November 3, 2014
Amazing!!!! The best caterpillar ever for sure!!! Love, Mom
- on November 3, 2014
I love this!!!! You are such a great artist!!! Love, Mom
- on November 3, 2014
Gabi, we are so proud of you and your talent honey!!! Keep up the good work!!! You are awesome!!! Love, Mom
- on November 3, 2014
Wow Gabriela!!!! You are truly an awesome painter!!!
-- Tia Thay
- on November 3, 2014
The most beautiful caterpillar I've ever seen!!! Xoxo
-- Tia Thay
- on November 3, 2014
-- Tia Thay
- on November 3, 2014
So beautiful, baby!!!! Very proud of the amazing artist you're becoming!!!
-- Tia Thay
- on November 3, 2014
Gabby, what a beautiful teddy!!! I love it!!! I want one just like it!! Good job baby girl!!! You rock!!! Love, Mom
-- Vanessa
- on November 3, 2014
Gabby, your owl looks awesome!!!! I am so proud of you baby!! Love, Tia Thay
-- Tia Thay
- on December 6, 2013
Gabriela "Picasso" Jurema Fantastic owl!!!
-- Dad
- on November 26, 2013
Gabriela, I am so proud of you! I love your beautiful owl artwork! You are becoming a great artist! I love you, Mommy.
-- Vanessa
- on November 26, 2013
What a great artist you are Gabby!!! Love you!!!
-- Vanessa
- on November 6, 2013
What a great artist you are!!!
-- Vanessa
- on November 6, 2013
Gabi Sweetie, what beautiful jack-o-lanterns. I am so proud of you. Love you !!!
-- Shelby
- on October 29, 2013
Gabby, you're such an artist baby!! So proud of you! Love you
-- Tia Thay
- on October 22, 2013
Beautiful pumpkins Gabby!!! Love them!!! I'm so proud of you honey!!! Love you!!!
-- Vanessa
- on October 22, 2013
Nice, friendly pumpkins!!
-- Marcus
- on October 22, 2013