Lily, your drawing skills just keep getting better! Love this cardinal. I am very proud of you!! -- Sonja
- on February 13, 2019
Lily, this little reindeer is so precious. She reminds me of you as you are a sweet, loving, precious little girl. I love you so much. Keep up the artwork. You are so good with your drawing. -- Sonja
- on November 29, 2017
great job on this one, too, Lily! -- Sonja
- on June 15, 2017
Lily, I sure do love your artwork. I will keep up with your progress. Soon I will want a tee shirt -- Pauline
- on February 2, 2017
She did so good!!!!!! -- Sonja
- on December 2, 2016
Lily, this is very original and beautiful. You have done a great job on this and I am VERY proud of you! Keep drawing and using your "creative" self. -- Granny Sonja
- on December 13, 2016
Beautiful, I love all the colors. -- Donna
- on December 13, 2016
This is beautiful!!! I am very proud of you!!!! -- Crystal