Madeline4682's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Madeline4682's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like how you made your colors contrasts. It's beautiful.
- on February 10, 2015
Ms. Darcy's 1st graders did amazing today by helping each other when we had a few string malfunctions! Way to go boys and girls! You were awesome today!
- Jayda (teacher at Abraham Lincoln Elementary) on September 17, 2014
I look forward to new art by Maddie from school or home. It's always a beautiful surprise.
-- Jennifer
- on September 22, 2014
These artists did an awesome job illustrating their very own book cover! I am so proud of these creative works. I can’t wait to see what else we create!
- Jayda (teacher at Abraham Lincoln Elementary) on January 15, 2014