This is Beautiful, Ethan! I believe this is one of my Favorite pieces of artwork you have created. Keep up the Good Work! Love, Grams -- Grams
- on January 17, 2019
I Love this Ethan! The colors are makes me Happy!! You are so creative! Keep up the good work! Love you, Grams -- Grams
- on March 8, 2017
Ethan, I absolutely Love this colorful and fun artwork you did! It makes me smile, AND, makes me Happy! You are a fantastic artist! Love, Grams -- Grams
- on October 25, 2016
Ethan, What a beautiful snowflake! And, the background colors are so pretty! I would love to have this on a Christmas card! Nicely done! Love, Grams -- Grams
- on March 10, 2016
I love your beautiful snowflake! It's such a colorful background, it looks like it is on stained glass. Gommy -- Gommy
- on February 16, 2016
Ethan, Your Picasso artwork is very impressive! You did an outstanding job! I can't wait to see what you do next! Love, Grams -- Grams
- on January 5, 2016
Very nice artwork, Ethan. You followed the directions very well and used lots of details. Keep up the good work!! -- Gommy
- on October 14, 2015
Ethan, we love your art work of "Santa's New Suit"! You show the excitement that seeing Santa brings...your work makes our hearts happy! Love, Grams and Peep -- Grams and Peep
- on March 14, 2015
Dear Ethan, You have done a beautiful job creating this picture about "Santa's New Suit"! I love his suit and t he matching hat. You are an excellent artist! Keep up the good drawings. Love always, Gommy -- Gommy
- on March 14, 2015
I love your colorful snowman!!! You are such a good artist! -- Gommy
- on February 22, 2015
Ethan, what a beautiful fall picture you made! I love it!! You are so talented. Keep up the food work at school!! -- Gommy
- on December 22, 2014
Wow, Ethan! You did a great job on your latest artwork. I love all the colors and shapes! I love you! -- Gommy
- on November 9, 2014
What a nice pumpkin you drew! I love it!! -- Gommy
- on November 5, 2013
Ethan, I love the train with all the happy people on it! You are a good artist! -- Gommy
- on November 5, 2013
Great job on your pumpkin! Love the happy moon! -- Mom