This is one of my favorites! this is awesome Connor! -- Amy
- on May 11, 2011
Connor, this picture makes me want Spring to be here really soon. The tulips are beautiful. Good job and good choice of flowers. Me-Me loves you so much. Keep up the good work!
- on September 20, 2010
I LOVE that blonde hair Connor. Keep up the great work! Ms. Shanks
- on September 20, 2010
Connor, I just want to say that I think that your "Witchy Woman" is fantastic work. Love It, Love It, Love It! Keep on sharing. Hugs and kisses, love you, Me Me
- on September 20, 2010
You worked so hard on this new art work. The colors are some of my favorite. Good job! Connor, thanks so much for sharing this with your me me. Love you and keep up the good work.
- on September 20, 2010
Connor, I love your owl. You did a great job!
- on September 20, 2010
Hi Connor, I am so very proud of your art work. You have done such a good job. Keep up the good work! I love the colors you picked. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art work with your Me Me. I love you to the sun and back and this is a lot. I will always cherish your artwork and the moments of sharing them with me.