Troy1596's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Troy1596's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the PINKS!!!
-- Mom
- on May 20, 2016
Great Toucan bird bud!
-- Mom
- on May 20, 2016
Great job bud!!
-- Mom
- on February 11, 2016
Love all the different color purples!!!
-- Mom
- on February 11, 2016
-- Alexis
- on February 11, 2016
Love the colors!
-- Mommy
- on April 1, 2014
Very good! Favorite one so far:)
-- Mommy
- on March 12, 2014
Love the colors on your fireworks painting!
-- Susan
- on February 21, 2014
Love the patterns and shapes you drew on your spider. Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on February 21, 2014
Troy, love your pumpkin! Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on February 21, 2014
Troy, great pumpkin! Mrs.Pechacek
-- Susan
- on February 21, 2014