We love the bright colours of your dish and the woven centre. Well done. -- Granny And Grandad
- on April 25, 2018
Didn't recognise you behind your super mask! Well done -- Granny And Grandad
- on April 25, 2018
Great Smokey the Bear! It's a great message and poster. -- Mummy
- on November 21, 2017
Wonderful job on this water picture! I love that you picked the Harbor. That's my favorite place in Wells. -- Mummy
- on November 21, 2017
I really like your self-portrait, Christopher! You have a lot of really wonderful detail on it. You did a great job! -- Amanda
- on November 21, 2017
we like the bright colours and the neat writing well done Christopher! -- Granny And Grandad
- on November 21, 2017
A very interesting picture, Christopher well done. Granny and Grandad -- Andrea And Stuart
- on August 23, 2017
We love your painting of the bridge in this very famous garden. The water lilies are very pretty. Perhaps, one day, you might go to France and see it. Love Granny abnd Grandad -- Andrea And Stuart
- on November 29, 2015
Very well done Chrisropher, it looks fantastic, look forward to seeing more of your artwork. love granny and Grandad -- Andrea And Stuart