Dear Madeline, You are busy with art projects!!!! We like the pink and purple spring flower you created in art class. Your favorite colors. Your flower looks like a beautiful butterfly. It has fragile petals just like a butterfly has fragile wings. This flower would look perfect in the vase you made in art class. Thanks for sharing another of your art activities. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on May 8, 2014
Dear Madeline, Thank you for sharing another of your art projects. Your vase is beautiful. The colors are so very bright. You could put almost any color flower in your vase and it would look so nice. Are you and Landon going to choose flowers to give to your mom for Mother's Day? Perhaps you could find a vase as colorful as this one for flowers for your mother on her special day. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on May 8, 2014
How long did it take you to put those mosaics down? I'm imagining the flower arrangement is for Grandpa Leo. Keep up the good work. Grandma Belle
- on May 8, 2014
I would love to see you as you did this wonderful piece of art. You really did wonders with that sky. I hope you feel good about this great artistic picture. There is so much to see in this picture and so much to imagine is going on. Love it. Grandpa and Grandma Graber
- on March 7, 2014
Dear Madeline, Grandpa Karl and I spent a lot of time studying your artwork. Your Starry Night reminds us of Christmas long long ago when the Christ child was born in a manger. We see Mary, Joseph, and the Angels in the sky. Thank you so much for sharing another one of your special creations with us. Tell your teacher "Thank You" for sharing this with us, too. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on February 28, 2014
Dear Madeline, Thank you for sharing another piece of artwork with us. Your penguin looked so realistic Grandpa Karl and I thought we were at the SOUTH POLE. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on January 19, 2014
I would like to have some explanation of the materials you used to make the penguin. It is adorable. i'm impressed with the eyes and the feet. I think it is wonderful. Grandma Belle
- on January 19, 2014
Dear Madeline, Thank you for sending us your latest artwork. We are so glad your teacher had you "show" your artwork this time. You seem to be very proud of what you created. Your swirly snowman looks ready for the winter season. Keep the artwork coming our way. We love seeing how creative you are. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on December 24, 2013
What a warm and fuzzy turkey that is. I love his tail feathers. Sometime I would like to know what all you used to make him. You are quite the artist. Gramma Belle
- on December 11, 2013
Dear Madeline, Another great piece of artwork. Grandpa Karl and I are so very proud of you. This turkey has such a nice balance of feathers. You did such careful work as you cut the circles for your turkey. Each of the feathers has a beautiful color. You take your time as you create each and every new piece of work. We look forward to your next project. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on December 11, 2013
Your Jack-o-Lantern must be 6 or 7 years old as he lost his top front teeth. His stem looks like an antenna. I must say you did a tremendous job with him. I think it is a he. I love getting your art work on my computer. Love , Grandma Belle
- on November 5, 2013
Dear Madeline, What a nice looking jack-o-lantern. Your artwork is so you! Grandpa Karl and I would be so happy if the pumpkin, sitting on our front step, could magically turn into a jack-o-lantern just like this one you created in art class. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on November 2, 2013
Dear Madeline, Wow! Another piece of artwork by Miss Madeline! We like the way you wrote your last name in such nice big letters. The large printing allowed for a lot of pattern space. Your artwork has a nice variety of patterns. The cool colors remind us of you. Keep up the good work! Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith
- on October 23, 2013
Dear Madeline, I thought I had left a comment about your art I love the way you made the green, blue and brown by combining colors. The little beaks are all pointed the same way and I like the pattern you made with some singing and some not singing. They look like they are marching or doing a show for parents. Grandpa Leo and Grandma Belle -- Belle
- on October 15, 2013
Dear Madeline, What a nice surprise when we checked our email this evening and found your first piece of artwork from first grade on the computer. We like the way you displayed the primary and secondary colors. You will remember this activity for a very long time. You really worked to make your artwork look so very nice. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Grandpa Karl and Grandma Judith -- Judith