Julia8447's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Julia8447's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Julia, you are really a prolific artist. Seems you can create many interesting types of art. I think Picasso would approve of your latest work. Very fun! G’ma Rue
-- Rue Ann
- on November 21, 2018
Julia, I am not familiar with this type of project. You will have to tell me about it. Do the circled words make a poem? You are always so creative. G’maRue
-- Rue Ann
- on November 14, 2018
Love your use of color Julia! Very pretty piece.
-- Rue Ann
- on October 17, 2018
Another nice piece of work by Julia! Hope I get to see this picture sometime. You could have a gallery in your room! Love you, G’ma Rue
-- Rue Ann
- on October 3, 2018
Hi Julia, looks like your new art teacher appreciates your creative talents too. I like your new work. I wonder how you make the cups shine. They are very pretty! Grandma Rue
- on September 19, 2018
Julia, it is a rainy gray day and your picture is just the thing to look at to chase away the clouds. Love your use of color. It looks like spring! Keep up the good work. Grandma Rue
-- Rue Ann
- on January 18, 2017
Julia, you continue to create interesting, pretty pieces of art. Love your use of color! I always enjoy seeing your work. Keep it up! Grandma Rue
-- Rue Ann
- on November 16, 2016
Julia, your flower is beautiful! The colors are so vibrant. Is it fabric or paper that you have painted? You are a good artist. Love you, G'ma RUE
-- Rue Ann
- on October 12, 2016
Another pretty picture by Julia. It has a lot of texture in it. How did you do that? I like the soft colors. It looks like a spring day!
-- Rue Ann
- on April 7, 2016
Julia, your town dessert picture is lovely. Love your use of color! Were you studying the dessert? You are a good artist. Grandma Ruey
-- Rue Ann
- on December 13, 2015
Another creative picture from Julia! I like your BOO pumpkins. You will have to tell me about pointillism. I don't know any thing about it. Grandma Rue
- on November 20, 2015
Oh Julia, what a fun picture! I love your dancing pigs. They are so colorful. I wonder what Bella would think of dancing pigs. Grandma Rue
-- Rue Ann
- on November 13, 2015
Julia, your art work is very well done. Were you talking about maps? I can not tell on my I-pad where it is. You have lots of detail in your work. Good job!
- on April 22, 2015
Julia, what a fun and colorful picture you created! You must tell me what a Piet Mondrian animal is. I have no idea. Nice work! G'ma Ruey
- on November 19, 2013
Julia, what a lovely fall picture you created. I love pumpkins. Don't you? Is your picture up somewhere at Clay?
-- Grandma
- on November 8, 2013