Mariele6's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Mariele6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Mariele!????..You're artwork is getting better & better..????
-- Nonna
- on August 19, 2015
Hi Mariel, I am a friend of your gramma's, I have seen your work and I think it's awesome! You have a real talent. Your artwork is creative, and shows a lot of imagination! Great job!
-- Miss Sherri
- on June 16, 2015
Mariele, I think your art work is beautiful. Keep up the good work too. {in fact, I still have the fruits & vegetables you drew while you, your Mommy and I were sitting at your kitchen table last March. I put it on my armoire; it reminds me of you every day, along with all the pictures I have of you {smile}. I Love you. Grandpa sends his love too. Love, GRAMMA
-- Michele
- on June 16, 2015
Mariele.. I love your choice of colors..Wouldn't it be awesome to actually SEE a butterfly with these colors?? Your artwork is amazing and just gets better & better everytime I see a new drawing...Love You
-- Nonna
- on June 16, 2015
The colors in this are beautiful. Mariele...Yiou are getting better & better in your artwork!! I ordered some jewelry for myself last week and an apron for you!! Can*t wair until my order comes....Love You
-- Nonna
- on May 6, 2015
Hi Padanella....I was so surprised when I got this...Your artwork is beautiful. I viewed all your drawings & thought how very colorful all your work is!! You should be very proud & I'm sure Mommy & Daddy are proud, too... I love you!
-- Nonna
- on April 8, 2015
I love your work baby!! It's colorful and bright, just like you sweetheart!! Love you!!
-- Mommy
- on March 14, 2015