Emily25866's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Emily25866's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your little beak.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on April 9, 2015
Cool germs! I really like the walking heart germ! Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on December 30, 2013
Love the faces you drew on your basic shapes. You created very interesting characters! Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on December 30, 2013
You did a terrific job of creating textures on your campfire drawing! Love your sky. Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on December 30, 2013
Emily, Great job on your mosaic pumpkin! I love the drawings you made on the background. Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on December 30, 2013
Terrific job on your toucan project.
-- Susan
- on December 19, 2013
Emily, Great job on your fireworks picture. Mrs. P
-- Susan
- on October 18, 2013