Max, Your dragon is fierce! The background is awesome. Danny's Grandmom. -- Kathy
- on June 1, 2016
Max, A glorious tree!!! -- Kathy
- on May 17, 2015
Max, Love your butterfly. The boarder is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with me. Danny's grandmom, Kathy -- Kathy
- on May 17, 2015
Dear Max, What a great pinch pot. I see all the texture. I hope you enjoyed making this. -- kathy
- on June 25, 2014
Dear Max, Love your underwater scene. Keep on painting. Thank you for sharing. Mrs. Lavin ( Danny' Grandmom) -- Kathy
- on April 30, 2014
Max, You should be so proud of your artwork!!! It is beautiful. Keep on painting you are a talened artist.Thank you for sharing this with me. Mrs. Lavin (Danny's grandmom) -- kathy
- on January 2, 2014
Dear Max, I love your art work! It makes me feel happy when I look at it. Keep on painting and thank you for sharing this with me!! Mrs. Lavin -- kathy
- on November 26, 2013
Wow Max! This is awesome! Your art makes us feel happy! Thank you for sharing it! You did such a great job! -- Kimmy & Danny
- on November 22, 2013
Wow, I am impressed!! I love this!! Way to go Max!! -- Mom